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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Human rights All issues are handled confidentially, consistent with We continue to hold regular Union/Works Council consultations actions within their own sphere of influence and with business partners and stakeholders. Information on our efforts and Givaudan’s need to investigate, in compliance with legal with a group of employees who represent Union/ Works Council commitments around social responsibility, human rights and requirements and in cooperation with law enforcement members at all applicable sites around the world, including for ethical business aspects can also be found in our Commitment authorities, where required. Givaudan does not tolerate any all European Union member states where we have operations. to Social Responsibility Position Statement, and in our annual form of retaliation against anyone who seeks advice or The purpose is to inform and consult employees about UK Slavery Act and California Transparency Act statements. reports misconduct in good faith. significant changes in the organisation, ensure that the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is not put at Putting our policies into practice means working continuously to Beyond these general commitments, we have a number of risk, and to report any feedback to the Executive Committee so identify human rights impacts, avoiding and addressing them, focus areas within the topic of human rights. Some are that it may take suitable action if required. continuously monitoring the effectiveness of our measures and discussed below and others can be found in additional periodically reporting on our performance. We are on a journey chapters as detailed above. Due to COVID-19, the European Works Council did not take of continuous improvement and in a constantly changing place in 2021 and the meeting has been postponed until early operating environment we need to regularly review the way we Freedom of association Q2 2021. respond. We are implementing a Group-wide human rights We respect every employee’s right to freedom of association programme, which will also include human rights assessments and collective bargaining and follow commonly recognised We call on suppliers, including smallholders, to allow workers and measures to identify and engage with vulnerable or best practices with all of our employees globally. Our positions to exercise their rights to freedom of association and marginalised groups as part of the stakeholder dialogue. concerning freedom of association are highlighted in our collective bargaining. We ask for their collaboration in Principles of Conduct, a document available on our website. supporting the policy and disclosing information that could We also recognise that human rights is not a subject that we We aim to provide and promote an environment where help drive improvements. More details are available in the can address alone: we work with all relevant stakeholders. employer and employee can engage in open dialogue on all chapter on Responsible Sourcing & Traceability. Suppliers are a particular focus and we help them adhere to work-related aspects, allowing each to better understand the our principles through our Responsible Sourcing Policy, as other’s challenges and find ways of resolving them. This is Disclosure 102 – 41 detailed in the chapter on Responsible Sourcing & Traceability. done by establishing genuine dialogue with freely chosen Collective bargaining agreements employee representatives. 29% of employees are covered by collective bargaining We have zero tolerance for any form of human rights abuse agreements. and follow strict governance, grievance and remediation We regularly consult with employee representatives, looking to mechanisms to ensure compliance with our principles and inform and consult about changes in the organisation and to Disclosure 402 – 1 commitments. We also provide various mechanisms for report any feedback to the Executive Committee (EC). We pride Minimum notice periods regarding raising concerns. Employees can do this in confidence with a ourselves on our history of constructive dialogue with employee operational changes Local Compliance Officer, the Corporate Compliance Officer, representatives and support the freedom of individuals to join We respect legal local notice periods prior to the the Legal Department or through our internal Compliance trade unions or other employee representative bodies. Givaudan implementation of changes that could affect our employees, Helpline. Third-parties can raise issues in confidence to the does not discriminate based on employee membership of, or either through direct communication to these employees or Head of Group Ethics and Compliance by email to: global. association with these bodies and seeks to enter into constructive through their elected representatives, Union/Works Councils [email protected]. discussions when issues arise. or other groups. In countries where there are collective agreements and where it is mandatory, minimum notice 105 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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