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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Human rights Global Compact’s Ten Principles and the WBCSD’s CEO Guide to Sourcing & Traceability, help them to do so. Givaudan strives to Material topic definition Human Rights, to which we are signatories. It also forms part of be a force for good in the world and looks to act with empathy Human rights our contribution to realise the Sustainable Development Goals, and humility wherever we are present. Ensuring that Givaudan respects human rights by acting especially Goals 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 17, and furthers our journey with due diligence, as defined in the UN Guiding Principles towards obtaining B Corp certification. Boundary for Business and Human Rights and International Labor • Givaudan Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles Beyond this general commitment to human rights, we have a • Suppliers and Rights at Work. number of focus areas that have been identified as particularly relevant for Givaudan through ongoing engagement with Disclosure 103 – 2, 103 – 3 Purpose pillars internal and external stakeholders. In this chapter, we address MANAGEMENT APPROACH CREATIONS NATURE PEOPLE COMMUNITIES Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining; No Child We respect, protect, and fulfil human rights within our sphere Labour, and No Forced Labour, Compulsory Labour or Human of influence and contribute to eradicating inequality and Trafficking. Good relations between management and unfair labour conditions wherever we do business. We strive Disclosure 103 – 1 employees are necessary, for example, to the operation of a to make a positive impact on the communities in which we EXPLANATION OF THE MATERIAL sustainable and viable business. This is particularly critical to are present. Our commitment is based on the International TOPIC AND ITS BOUNDARY Givaudan, where our global workforce operates in an Bill of Human Rights, which consists of the Universal Human rights are inherent to all human beings, regardless of international market and must be capable of adapting to Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Labour race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other rapid change. Children have the right to an education and we Organization’s Fundamental Conventions on Rights at Work. status. As expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights are against all forms of child, forced and compulsory labour. and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on We fully endorse and support the UN Guiding Principles for Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, they range from Five additional areas of Human Rights that are particularly Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for the very right to life and liberty to rights to education and work relevant to Givaudan are: Right to Decent Work and Multinational Enterprises of June 2011, the Tripartite Declaration and cover a wide spectrum of human experience. Occupational Health and Safety; Consumer Health and of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Safety; Equality and Non-Discrimination; Free, Prior and Policy of March 2017 as well as WBCSD’s CEO Guide to Human We believe that everyone is entitled to these rights and that Informed Consent (FPIC) and Land Rights and Rights of Rights. Where our own principles and practices are stricter than upholding them, and, where applicable, promoting them, is Communities Where We Operate. Our position and efforts in applicable legislation and in alignment with applicable human the right thing to do. It is fundamental to the best way of these areas are covered by our Human Rights and Responsible rights frameworks, we apply our higher internal standards. doing business and living our company purpose. Sourcing Policies and are addressed in chapters on Diversity, Inclusion & Human capital development, Employee Health & Our explicit commitment to respect human rights, including A commitment to respect human rights, to act with due diligence Safety & Wellness. labour rights, is outlined in our Group-wide Principles of to avoid causing or contributing to human rights abuses through Conduct. In January 2021, we also published a new Human our own activities, and to prevent and address abuses linked to Our human rights efforts are relevant to the whole organisation Rights policy, which expands on this commitment. It applies to our operations, products or services around the world enables us but we also look beyond to our partners throughout the supply Givaudan’s direct operations, the entities we own and the to be a responsible corporate citizen. Specifically, these efforts chain. We aim to ensure that they adhere to our principles and, facilities we manage. We expect every employee to take help us to live up to our commitments under the United Nations as explained in more detail in the chapter on Responsible personal accountability for upholding our principles in daily 104 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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