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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Human rights periods regarding operational changes are specified. These We apply a combination of mechanisms within our business range from no notice to three months, depending on the and in our supply chains as part of our due diligence review Training and country and based on local laws and practices. for these aspects. They are regularly assessed through various interventions related to our Social Responsibility, Sourcing4Good, vigilance module No child labour, no forced labour, compulsory Ethic & Compliance, Human Rights and Vendor Management labour or human trafficking programmes, among others. In 2021, we developed a dedicated training Our positions on child labour, forced labour, compulsory and vigilance module on Givaudan’s labour and human trafficking are rooted in our Principles of We have also developed a dedicated training and vigilance expectations on child labour and work in Conduct and in our new Human Rights policy. These, in turn, module around Givaudan’s expectations on child labour and our supply chains. It is aimed at better reflect initiatives including the United Nations Global work in our supply chains. It is aimed at better informing and informing and equipping our own Compact, a framework that targets, among other goals, the equipping our own procurement colleagues and supply chain procurement colleagues and supply chain elimination of forced, compulsory and child labour. stakeholders. We started rolling this out in the second half of stakeholders. We started rolling this out in 2021 and have already covered some key raw material supply the second half of 2021 and have already We are also committed to the Ethical Trade Initiative Base chains including, among others, thaumatococcus in the Ivory covered some key raw material supply Code, which states that there shall be no recruitment of child Coast, cistus in Spain and vanilla in Madagascar. chains including, among others, labour; that companies shall develop or participate in and thaumatococcus in the Ivory Coast, cistus contribute to policies and programmes that provide for the We expect the same standards from business partners and in Spain and vanilla in Madagascar. transition of children from labour to quality education; and suppliers. Details on how we manage this are available in the that people under 18 shall not be employed at night or in chapter Responsible sourcing & traceability. hazardous conditions. Disclosure 407 – 1, 408 – 1, 409 – 1, 412 – 1 We do not practice or tolerate any form of child exploitation, Operations assessment and we do not provide employment to children before they Human Rights Impact Assessment in our operations and have completed their compulsory education and in any supply chain, detailed in the following chapter, is managed event not before they reach the age of 15. This applies to through continuous engagement and diverse interventions employment within Givaudan, and we expect the same from embedded in many of our standard operating procedures and our partners and suppliers with whom we work. Where we practices. The focus of these assessments ranges from high- observe young workers engaged in business activities, but level due diligence to more salient aspects, in particular those not legally qualifying as child labour, we still work towards relating to health, safety or child labour. training and education with the aim of ensuring that young workers are always protected and that their right to Givaudan is an active member of Sedex, a global platform that education is not infringed. Similarly, we do not practice or incorporates human rights risks in its assessments. Since 2010, tolerate any form of exploitation or forced or compulsory all Givaudan production sites have been registered on Sedex labour including prison labour, indentured labour, bonded and have completed Sedex self-assessment questionnaires labour, slave labour or any form of human trafficking. (SAQ) aimed at continuous self-improvement and the sharing of information with customers. Givaudan annually reviews and 106 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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