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30. Related Parties Transactions between Givaudan SA and its subsidiaries, which are related parties of Givaudan SA, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note. Compensation of key management personnel The compensation of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee during the year was as follows: in millions of Swiss francs 2021 2020 Salaries and other short-term benefits 15 14 Post-employment benefits 2 1 Share-based payments 15 12 Total compensation 32 27 No other related party transactions have taken place during 2021 (2020: nil) between the Group and the key management personnel. Reconciliation table to the Swiss code of obligations in millions of Swiss francs IFRS Adjustments a Swiss CO (Art. 663b bⁱs) 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 Salaries and other short-term benefits 15 14 (7) (6) 8 8 Post-employment benefits 2 1 1 2 2 Share-based payments 15 12 (5) (2) 10 10 Total compensation 32 27 (12) (7) 20 20 a) IFRS information is adjusted mainly to the recognition of the share-based payments, IFRS 2 versus economic value at grant date. IFRS information also includes security costs. There are no other significant related party transactions including in the jointly controlled entities. 31. Board of Directors and Executive Committee Compensation Compensation of members of the Board of Directors Compensation of Board members consists of Director fees, Committee fees and Restricted Share Units (RSUs). Fees are paid at the end of each year in office completed. RSUs give participants the right to receive Givaudan shares (or a cash equivalent in countries where securities laws prevent the offering of Givaudan securities) at the end of a three-year blocking period. Governance Report Compensation Report Consolidated Financial Report Statutory Financial Report Appendix 91 Givaudan — 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial Report Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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