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Movements in own equity instruments are as follows: 2021 Number Price in Swiss francs Tot al in millions of Swiss francs High Average Low Balance as at 1 January 16,570 168 Purchases at cost 24,100 3,623.4 2 , 8 5 7. 8 2,503.0 69 Sales and transfers (28,014) 2 , 7 0 7. 8 2,501.9 2,501.9 (70) (Gains) losses, net recognised in equity – Movement on registered shares, net (1) Movement on derivatives on own shares, net 44 Income taxes Balance as 31 December 12,656 211 2020 Number Price in Swiss francs Tot al in millions of Swiss francs High Average Low Balance as at 1 January 15,541 168 Purchases at cost 25,000 2,595.0 2,250.0 1,799.0 56 Sales and transfers (23,971) 3,634.8 2,180.6 2,141.6 (52) (Gains) losses, net recognised in equity – Movement on registered shares, net 4 Movement on derivatives on own shares, net (4) Income taxes Balance as 31 December 16,570 168 28. Commitments From 1 January 2019, as in accordance with IFRS 16, the Group has recognised right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for lease commitments in the scope of IFRS 16, except for short- term and low-value leases (Note 2.1.1). The charge in the consolidated income statement for all operating leases was CHF 18 million (2020: CHF 17 million). The Group has capital commitments for the purchase or construction of property, plant and equipment totalling CHF 10 million (2020: CHF 13 million). 29. Contingent Liabilities From time to time and in varying degrees, Group operations and earnings continue to be affected by political, legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments, including those relating to environmental protection, in the countries in which it operates. The activities in which the Group is engaged are also subject to physical risks of various kinds. The nature and frequency of these developments and events, not all of which are covered by insurance, as well as their effect on the future operations and earnings are not predictable. Givaudan Group companies are involved in various legal and regulatory proceedings of a nature considered typical of its business, including contractual disputes and employment litigation. Two of the Group’s US affiliates, Givaudan Flavors Corporation and Ungerer & Company have been named as defendants in numerous lawsuits brought against them and other flavour and raw chemical supply companies. The plaintiffs allege that they sustained pulmonary injuries due to flavours that contain diacetyl, 2,3 pentanedione and other flavouring chemicals. To date, many of the cases filed against the Group's affiliates have been settled or dismissed; however, numerous new cases have been filed. The Group has already recovered a portion of the prior defence and settlement costs from its insurance policies, and will continue to recover a portion of such future costs. Governance Report Compensation Report Consolidated Financial Report Statutory Financial Report Appendix 90 Givaudan — 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial Report Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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