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GOVERNANCE Transparent and trusted governance BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMPENSATION GOOD CORPORATE • Separation of roles between the • Responsible for the day-to-day • Our compensation policies are an CITIZENSHIP Chairman of the Board and Chief management of the Company essential component of our employee • Principles of Conduct Executive Officer, in line with 'Swiss • Average of 20 years experience value proposition and a key driver of • Ethics and Compliance Programme Code of Best Practice for Corporate in the company both individual and business Governance' principle 19. performance • Human Rights Policy • Ultimate strategic supervision and • One of the longest standing CEO • Compensation of Board of Directors and • Responsible Sourcing Policy / control of the management of the in the industry the Executive Committee is subject to Sourcing4Good programme Company, including Enterprise Risk annual shareholder approval Management approach • The Performance Share Plan (PSP) is SHARES • All board members re-elected on an designed to reward executives and key • One single class of shares annual basis talent who significantly influence the • 100% independent members longterm success of the business and our • One share = one vote purpose ambitions. Performance Share Plan for top 500 employees Non-executive and independent Executive Committee members 80% 20% 8 7 board members Financial Non financial targets targets Years average tenure Years average tenure 6﹒4 6﹒6 10% Social targets 5Nationalities 3Women Nationalities 1 Woman 10% 6 Environmental targets Givaudan and ESG 11 February 2022

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