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ESG Overview

2021 | 15 pages

Givaudan and ESG PURPOSE & PERFORMANCE February 2022

ESG at the centre of our 2025 STRATEGY business Committed to Growth, with Purpose As a purpose-led company, we can go even further to Creations Nature make our world a happier and healthier place. Our E S G E G purpose, a guiding star in our 2025 strategy, leads the We create inspiring solutions We show our love for nature way to increasing our positive impact on society and for happier, healthier lives Growing through impactful actions the planet in order to ensure our sustainable long-term together with performance. It is our intention to deliver growth through creating inspiring products for happier, our customers healthier lives while achieving our ambitious financial targets and longer-term purpose ambitions. People Communities It is through our S G E S G purpose and strategy We nurture a place where We bring benefits to all that we address we all love to be and grow communities that work with us Environment, Social Excellence, innovation, simplicity in everything we do and Governance 4 – 5% GROWTH PURPOSED LINKED TARGETS > 12% FCF (ESG) issues. Gilles Andrier, CEO nvironment ocial overnance E S G Givaudan and ESG 2 February 2022

A heritage of acting DOUBLE ‘A RATING’ for climate sustainably and water for three consecutive years Awarded the ECOVADIS GOLD medal, ranking us in the top 5% CDP LEADER BOARD recognition for out of 75,000 businesses with a strong supplier engagement track record of ESG performance Rated as ‘low-risk’ in 2021 We receive consistent with a score of 19.1 and a chemicals Since 2017 Givaudan has industry RANKING 13 OUT OF 480 been rated AAA by MSCI recognition of the highest ESG RATINGS levels of performance as our strong track record of ESG ratings shows. FTSE4Good Index Series Ranked in the top 2% in the Included in SXI SWISS FTSE4Good Index Series, SUSTAINABILITY 25 INDEX among our peers Givaudan and ESG 3 February 2022

ENVIRONMENT Reducing our environmental impact by showing our love for nature At the heart of our commitment We aim to become a climate to reducing our environmental positive business before 2050. Our impact sits our bold climate commitment is very significant as it positive ambition. not only includes Givaudan’s own In addition to addressing our operations (scope 1 and scope 2) but also the CO generated by our supply GHG emissions, we aim to reduce 2 our environmental footprint by chain which includes our suppliers taking leading actions in waste, via scope 3 GHG emissions. And for water and plastics. an organisation like Givaudan this is where the largest impact lies. Willem Mutsaerts, Head of Global Procurement and Sustainability. Our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Givaudan and ESG 4 February 2022

ENVIRONMENT Key ambitions and progress OUR AMBITION Before 2050, we will be a climate-positive business based on scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions according to the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol. Focus area Targets Status 2021 Actions and measures Emissions OPERATIONS: Our operations' carbon emissions –31% • Setting an internal carbon price • Signing the UN pledge ‘Business (scope 1+2) will be cut by 70% before 2030 and will be • Fixing site environmental targets and Ambition for 1.5°C’ climate positive before 2040 (baseline 2015) assessments • Promoting energy efficiency • Switching to renewable energy sources SUPPLY CHAIN: Our supply chain emissions (scope 3) –4% • Sourcing ingredients responsibly • Optimising packaging, logistics, will be cut by 20% before 2030 and will be climate positive • Developing low-carbon creations transport of goods, business travel and before 2050 (baseline 2015) • Driving circularity and upcycling employee commuting Electricity 100% of our sites will be powered with renewable 84% • Committing to RE100 since 2015 • Generating on site renewable electricity electricity by 2025 • Setting site renewable electricity targets We act as a role model in water stewardship, working to protect water-dependent ecosystems and encouraging the sustainable use of resources. Focus area Targets Status 2021 Actions and measures Water Improve water efficiency by 25% on sites facing water stress –4% • Driving continuous improvement using • Implementing our wastewater standard by 2030 (baseline 2020) the 3R approach: ‘reduce, reuse and • Carrying out water risk assessments We will continuously improve water efficiency on all other sites flat recycle’ • Tracking site water quantity and quality 100% of our wastewater discharge will meet or exceed In progress • Identifying shared water challenges and • Exploring water stewardship activity regulatory and industry standards by 2030 local stakeholder priorities in the watershed opportunities OUR AMBITION Before 2030, we will replace single-use plastics with eco-friendly alternatives across our sites and operations. Focus area Targets Status 2021 Actions and measures Plastics 100% plastics circularity by 2030 In progress • Becoming members of the advisory board of • Co-leading a WBCSD plastic and the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) packaging workgroup defining a • Reducing our plastic usage and consumption transition for B2B chemical products Waste Reduce waste by 4% per tonne of product, year-on-year –2%¹ • Applying circular principles in product design, • Upcycling to reuse materials normally average (baseline 2015 – acquisitions not included) sourcing, manufacturing and packaging disposed of • Acting on the principle of ‘no waste by design‘ 1. Absolute reduction since 2015 Givaudan and ESG 5 February 2022

ENVIRONMENT Caring for biodiversity Our work in this area focuses on helping protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity. Working in close partnership with third party experts helps further strengthen our impact. Focus area Actions and measures Commitment Preserving the forests, the flora Empowering local communities Received the Conservation to forest and fauna through the Conservation to conserve 150,000 hectares of forests International’s Hero award for the Tonka Bean conservation Stewards Program in the Caura Basin programme in Venezuela Supporting the Collaborating with the University of Supporting the care and preservation The collection includes 1,000 varieties conser vation California, Riverside (UCR) on Citrus of the most extensive, unique and of citrus fruits from around the globe of diversity of Variety Collection diverse citrus collection against threat species of greening disease Sustainable Devil’s Claw sustainable wild collect Securing the long term supply of Organising wild collect of roots and use of natural programme in Namibia this major medicinal plant training locals to responsible practices resources through best practices Givaudan and ESG 6 February 2022

SPOTLIGHT Sourcing4Good sits at the intersection of environmental and social action Building on our heritage of The programme centres on Sourcing4Good is a step change in our action in sourcing responsibly, four key building blocks responsible sourcing journey this flagship programme is A full scope with clear closely tied to our goal to source priorities across our full portfolio Sourcing4Good ensures trust all materials and services in a of spend way that protects people and the Collaboration Traceability, and compliance across our environment before 2030. with the right digitisation entire supply chain partners and progress monitoring Third party validation and It allows us to embark on an integrated collaborative, operating model transformational projects in selected supply chains It brings end-to-end raw material traceability in key supply chains Givaudan and ESG 7 February 2022

SOCIAL Caring for people and communities At the heart of our work in this area sits our At Givaudan, we have long purpose goal to be a place where people love believed we have a role to play in to be and grow with our commitments to building a more inclusive and become a leading employer for diversity and equitable society, reinforced by our inclusion and to care for our employees’ recent commitment to becoming safety, physical health and wellbeing. B Corp certified. Our approach is In addition to these goals, we have a positive built around the areas where we influence in improving people’s lives through believe we can make a difference. Simon Halle-Smith, Head of Global Human The Givaudan Foundation, our Green teams, Resources & Environment, Health and Safety and our employees acting as a ‘force for good’. Our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Givaudan and ESG 8 February 2022

SOCIAL Key ambitions and progress OUR AMBITION Before 2030, we will be an even more balanced and inclusive company. Focus area Targets Status 2021 Actions and measures Diversity We will be rated amongst the leading employers In progress Building more inclusive hiring practices: and inclusion for inclusion globally before 2025 • Inclusive job ads • Balanced slates for hiring and promotion 50% of our senior leaders will be from high 26% • Hiring Manager Training growth markets before 2030 (baseline 2018) Fostering inclusive leadership development: 50% of our senior leaders will be • Evolving our Leadership Development programmes women before 2030 (baseline 2018) 26% • Better Balance Approach • Managing unconscious bias at work OUR AMBITION Before 2025, we will improve how we care for all of our people. Caring for We will reduce our total recordable injury rate –22% • Investing in our plant and technical equipment employee by 50% before 2025 (baseline 2018) • Further developing our Responsible Care Management System safety, health • Conducting periodic assessment of risk and control on-site and mental • Expanding our behavioural safety programme: advanced safety leadership training and wellbeing comprehensive worker trainings on health and safety Everyone on our sites will have access to mental In progress Providing access to mental and physical health initiatives, tools and training for all employees such as: and physical health initiatives, tools and training • Employee assistance programme before 2025 • Happier, healthier habits circles; health and wellbeing communities of practice OUR AMBITIONS By 2030, we will source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment. By 2030, we will improve the lives of millions of people in communities where we source and operate. Communities 100% of materials and services will be sourced In progress Implementation of our Sourcing4Good programme, Responsible Sourcing policy benefit by working responsibly by 2030 with Givaudan Ambition to improve the lives of millions of people In progress Through employee activities, Green Teams and the Givaudan Foundation, develop initiatives that: in communities where we source and operate by 2030 • Respond to needs within communities – targets are being determined • Support activities ranging from health and education to enhancing environmental and agricultural practices Givaudan and ESG 9 February 2022

GOVERNANCE Stable and efficient corporate governance to ensure sustainable value creation Our governance structure and Strong governance systems processes aim to engage all are the cornerstone of a successful, stakeholders transparently and sustainable business and help us to contribute to the creation of a live and implement our purpose, fair, inclusive business. Risks as we strive to be a force for good for specifically related to ESG and business, society and the planet. sustainability issues are assessed Calvin Grieder, Chairman of the Board as part of the Company’s Enterprise Risk Management. Our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Givaudan and ESG 10 February 2022

GOVERNANCE Transparent and trusted governance BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMPENSATION GOOD CORPORATE • Separation of roles between the • Responsible for the day-to-day • Our compensation policies are an CITIZENSHIP Chairman of the Board and Chief management of the Company essential component of our employee • Principles of Conduct Executive Officer, in line with 'Swiss • Average of 20 years experience value proposition and a key driver of • Ethics and Compliance Programme Code of Best Practice for Corporate in the company both individual and business Governance' principle 19. performance • Human Rights Policy • Ultimate strategic supervision and • One of the longest standing CEO • Compensation of Board of Directors and • Responsible Sourcing Policy / control of the management of the in the industry the Executive Committee is subject to Sourcing4Good programme Company, including Enterprise Risk annual shareholder approval Management approach • The Performance Share Plan (PSP) is SHARES • All board members re-elected on an designed to reward executives and key • One single class of shares annual basis talent who significantly influence the • 100% independent members longterm success of the business and our • One share = one vote purpose ambitions. Performance Share Plan for top 500 employees Non-executive and independent Executive Committee members 80% 20% 8 7 board members Financial Non financial targets targets Years average tenure Years average tenure 6﹒4 6﹒6 10% Social targets 5Nationalities 3Women Nationalities 1 Woman 10% 6 Environmental targets Givaudan and ESG 11 February 2022

GOVERNANCE Purpose / sustainability governance Board of Directors Ethical and fair business practices Regularly reviews overall progress are englobed in our Code of and direction in purpose / sustainability Conduct which all employees must Executive Committee sign. Reviews progress and pending decisions in specific purpose / sustainability ambitions on a regular basis. Dedicated sessions are held twice a year to review the overall purpose / sustainability agenda, including progress and decisions on strategic direction and commitment Governance of ESG aspects are fully integrated into our Board and Engaged to define and drive the purpose / sustainability agenda Executive committee management Sustainability Purpose Divisions processes and agendas. Leadership Team Management Office and functions Led by the Global Head of Led by the purpose project lead. Integrate purpose / Sustainability, it meets twice a Is responsible to both support sustainability goals and month for a regular progress the embedding of the purpose commitments into strategic plans review and to jointly discuss and identify ways of cascading and embed them into daily direction and progress in key it down to the organization business decisions and operations purpose / sustainability topics throughout the Company Management tools Stakeholders Partners and advisors • Ambitions • Constant engagement with internal • Partner with experts and • Policies / Principles of Conduct and external stakeholders nurtures external bodies for • Risk management / Precautionary our purpose / sustainability agenda collaboration on key purpose / principle • Allow us to direct our business sustainability matters • Corporate Governance efforts towards the broader needs • External assessments of our relevant stakeholder groups Givaudan and ESG 12 February 2022

Collaboration Commitments / Reporting Calls to action How we communicate and What we want to achieve about our progress transparency CEO WATER MANDATE Collaboration is essential to Working delivering on our bold ambitions to become a and promoting transparency. Our external partnerships and initiatives span the entire ESG spectrum, helping us accelerate Memberships Assessments / our progress. Central to these is and collaborations Ratings our B Corp journey which will be With whom we partner to External evaluation the independently-verified proof achieve our commitments of our performance we are living up to the highest standards of being a successful, sustainable business. Givaudan and ESG 13 February 2022

Further information Annual publications 2021 Integrated Annual Report Online version AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH READ MORE ▸ GRI Content Index ▸ SASB Standards ▸ TCFD Recommendations 2021 In a Nutshell 2021 Governance, Compensation 2021 GRI Sustainability AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH, and Financial Report Report FRENCH AND GERMAN AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH Givaudan and ESG 14 February 2022

Givaudan SA Chemin de la Parfumerie 5 1214 Vernier, Switzerland General information T + 41 22 780 91 11 Media and investor relations T + 41 22 780 90 53 [email protected] [email protected] Share registry Computershare Schweiz AG Postfach 4601 Olten, Switzerland T + 41 62 205 77 00 Share information Symbol: GIVN Security number: 1064593 ISIN: CH0010645932 Concept, design, consulting and realisation: PETRANIX AG, Corporate and Financial Communications Givaudan and ESG is published in English. All trademarks mentioned enjoy legal protection. This report may contain forward-looking information. Such information is subject to a variety of significant uncertainties, including scientific, business, economic and financial factors. Therefore actual results may differ significantly from those presented in such forward-looking statements. Investors must not rely on this information for investment decisions. © Givaudan SA, February 2022