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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Diversity, inclusion & people development Disclosure 405 – 1 We produce analytics to assess and review the numbers of our conduct studies in each of our key markets where we operate Diversity of governance bodies and employees balanced workforce. We are committed to providing and to monitor gender pay equity, identify any outstanding pay contributing to a work environment that is based on mutual gaps and ensure they are promptly addressed. These studies Composition of governance respect among people and is free from harassment. Our are conducted according to the methodology of the Swiss (Executive Committee and Board of Directors) Responsible Sourcing Policy calls on suppliers to treat all their Federal Office for Gender Equality with a view to ensuring <30 30–50 >50 Women Men Total employees with respect and dignity. Diversity in the workplace equal pay for equal responsibilities. Results for the Givaudan Headcount 0 0 15 4 11 15 is respected. Harassment and abuse are not tolerated. Group globally show that the average base salary difference - in % 0% 0% 100% 27% 73% 100% between men and women is 1.4% for equivalent roles and skill Disclosure 406 – 1 sets. For total cash compensation (fixed and variable pay) the Employees ¹ categories and composition of governance Incidents of discrimination and corrective difference is 1.4%. In 2021, our sites in Switzerland received an actions taken equal pay certification, recognition as a fair employer. The Women Men <30 30-50 >50 Total We expect our people to comply with all local laws against Swiss Fair-ON-Pay certificate was received following a review Senior Leaders ² 51 148 – 71 128 199 discrimination, but Givaudan’s ethical values go beyond legal by quality controller SGS, in accordance with the recognised -in % 26% 74% 0% 36% 64% 100% requirements. All our employees have a responsibility to statistical methods. Middle support and promote our Principles of Conduct. We take all managers 1,967 1,941 101 2,821 986 3,908 allegations very seriously and conduct appropriate Disclosure 202 – 1 -in % 50% 50% 3% 72% 25% 100% investigations. This process is managed locally in all locations Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender Associates 3,561 6,460 2,161 5,971 1,889 10,021 Givaudan operates. The numbers are not captured globally. compared to local minimum wage -in % 36% 64% 22% 60% 19% 100% With our commitment to an empowered workforce comes Equal pay our commitment that all employees are paid at least – and in Total 2021 5,579 8,549 2,262 8,863 3,003 14,128 We support women’s empowerment and the associated most cases well above – the minimum salary stipulated by Total 2020 5,026 7,781 2,014 8,002 2,791 12,807 economic growth and development of societies through law or collective agreements. Wages are managed locally 1. This is defined as the number of physical people and includes internal compensation policies including the ratio of remuneration of with a global oversight to ensure competitive and equitable temporary and regular employees. In 2020, it included Activ International, but all other acquisitions were excluded. In 202,1 it includes Activ International women to men. This is a priority at Givaudan and every year we practices. In all cases, Givaudan pays above minimum wages and drom integrated entities; all other acquisitions are excluded. as stipulated by law or applicable collective agreements. 2. Including the Executive Committee. Disclosure 405 – 2 Non-discrimination Ratio of basic salary and remuneration Highly qualified candidates may be more likely to consider Equal pay certification of women to men working for a company if they believe opportunities for For the Givaudan Group globally, the average base salary economic growth will be available to them as they As part of its commitment to being difference between men and women is 1.4% for equivalent demonstrate their value, regardless of their gender or an inclusive and balanced employer, roles and skill sets. For total cash compensation (fixed and nationality. Companies who compensate men and women Givaudan in July, 2021 obtained the variable pay) the difference is 1.4%. and people from all backgrounds equally will have access to a equal pay certification for all sites larger talent pool when recruiting and hiring, and are more in Switzerland. likely to retain these highly talented people. 89 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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