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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Governance & business conduct / ethics / transparency Material topic definition Adhering to high ethical standards is not only the right thing to Disclosure 103 – 2, 103 – 3, 102 – 16 Governance & business conduct / ethics / do, it also protects our business from the risks of corruption MANAGEMENT APPROACH transparency and bribery, a critical concern at Givaudan. We can be held Ethics and integrity responsible for our own actions as well as those of people We are committed to adhering to high ethical standards in the Ensuring that business practices are in alignment with associated with us and penalties for violating bribery and way we interact with all our stakeholders: customers, suppliers, international standards, local laws and Givaudan standards corruption laws are severe. Most of the countries in which we shareholders, employees, competitors, government agencies (Code of Conduct) in countries of operation. Safeguarding operate have anti-bribery laws. Some of these countries claim and the communities in which we operate. Being open, the effective functioning of the governing bodies of extraterritorial jurisdiction with, for example, laws such as the transparent and honest in our dealings with these stakeholders Givaudan. Disclosing an adequate level of information and UK Bribery Act, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the allows us to grow responsibly and share our success. data and fostering constructive dialogue with the French Loi Sapin II. Mere allegations of bribery or corruption company’s stakeholders. can damage our reputation, and noncompliance with anti- Our Principles of Conduct set out this commitment and corruption laws may additionally expose us to fines. Either may underline our ambition to create an environment where trust Purpose pillars lead to a loss of customers and confidence. and confidence is integral to all our endeavours. CREATIONS NATURE PEOPLE COMMUNITIES A good governance system that is supported by responsible Last reviewed and updated in 2018, the Principles of Conduct management and supervision is essential for shared success consist of three pillars: Legal & ethical business dealings, Disclosure 103 – 1 and for the continued creation of value for the Company and Responsible corporate citizenship and Protecting Givaudan’s EXPLANATION OF THE MATERIAL TOPIC all its stakeholders. assets. The Principles also include a section on ‘How we live AND ITS BOUNDARY the Principles’, which reiterates each employee’s responsibility Givaudan has built its excellent reputation and name over a Being transparent by disclosing an adequate level of information for ethics and integrity and explains the channels for reporting long and rich history thanks to our commitment to high ethical and data fosters strong relationships and constructive dialogue any violation of the Principles (“helpline”). We expect every standards, good governance and transparency in all our with the company’s stakeholders, creates trust and underpins employee to take personal accountability for upholding our interactions. Continuing to ensure that all of our best business our reputation. Continued and inclusive engagement with our Principles in daily actions within their own sphere of influence practices are in alignment with international standards, local stakeholders is essential as it helps us understand external and with business partners and stakeholders. laws and Givaudan standards helps to provide enhanced value trends and market expectations and allows us to identify to customers, shareholders and other stakeholders including opportunities as well as risks for our business. Our Ethics and Compliance Programme is based on the suppliers, employees, competitors, government agencies and Boundary compliance and fraud prevention concept of ‘prevent – detect the communities in which Givaudan operates. • Givaudan – respond’. The Corporate Ethics & Compliance Officer • Business partners oversees the administration of this programme supported by • Suppliers a global compliance team and a network of local compliance officers and regional compliance coordinators. Regular compliance risk assessments are carried out by the Corporate 31 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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