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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Economic performance Disclosure 201 – 2 most in operations, the supply chain and communities. Our Financial implications and other risks targets are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Committment to TCFD and opportunities due to climate change Development Goals and our attention is focused specifically on The scale of the climate crisis is more visible than ever, and activities related and contributing to SDGs 6 and 12. Financial markets need clear, thorough the effects of climate change threaten people, business information on the impacts of climate operations and economies around the world. Looking ahead, Taking action to decrease our negative impact and aligning change including risks and opportunities we are already acutely aware of the issues at stake: ourselves with an ambitious climate agenda also helps us turn presented by rising temperatures, climate- uncontrolled warming could pose numerous potentially risks into opportunities. Our expertise in green chemistry and related policy and emerging technologies. negative impacts on our company and limit our ability to techniques such as biocatalysis enable us to make products that The Financial Stability Board’s TCFD aims to operate. For example, a scarcity of water could have a severe are high in purity and yield, using less energy and fewer bolster the reporting of such climate- impact on our business because it is needed to grow most of hazardous materials. Our innovation teams are working on side- related financial information and Givaudan our natural raw materials and also as an essential input in our stream valuation, which enables us to use a larger part of is committed to the initiative. We largely manufacturing activities. Raw materials that are already existing raw materials or to reuse food waste from our partners’ address it through our extensive reporting scarce today risk becoming even more scarce in the future, facilities. This allows us to create raw materials with less energy through the CDP, a not-for-profit charity depending on the evolution of climate change. and reduces the risk of insufficient supply – it allows Givaudan that runs the global disclosure system for to do more with less. Our Water Stewardship Programme investors, companies and governments to As a business potentially affected by climate change, Givaudan ensures water risks are managed and monitored, and we manage their environmental impacts. has been carefully considering many of the topics addressed by prioritise places where water challenges are expected. We carry the TCFD disclosures for several years and with increasing out risk assessments in these areas to develop water mitigation READ MORE scrutiny since the 2015 Paris Agreement. Though we have not action plans that include efficiency improvements and water TCFD Recommendations ▸ page 128 yet completed the full quantitative analysis required by the reuse opportunities at our manufacturing operations. TCFD, we are in alignment with its principles. This is largely demonstrated by the disclosures we submit through the As we go forward in our journey to becoming climate positive, framework of the CDP questionnaire and our subsequent we will continue to make important changes to our business. reporting, included as a table p127. We will scrutinise how we formulate, how we continue to innovate and how we continuously improve our ingredients Disclosure 201 – 3 To this end, we are addressing climate change risk through a portfolio to reduce the impact of our products. We will be Defined benefit plan obligations comprehensive programme that aims to both mitigate it and to rethinking movement – from the transportation of materials and other retirement plans turn it to our advantage. We are looking, for example, to minimise and goods to how we travel ourselves – and considering how The Group operates a number of defined benefit and defined our contribution to climate change and promote the transition to to reduce our use of fossil fuels in favour of renewable sources contribution plans throughout the world and the corresponding a low carbon economy. We have committed to excellence in such as solar, wind, geothermal and biofuels. We will be assets are generally held in separate trustee-administered climate action, basing our own agenda on ambitious GHG exploring ways to capture carbon through natural climate funds. The pension plans are generally funded by payments emission reduction targets and encouraging our supply chain in solutions such as reforestation as well as through industrial from employees and by the relevant Group companies, taking efforts to reduce their own emissions. Our Water Policy processes offered to us by technology. We will look to reduce into account the recommendations of independent qualified emphasises our long-standing commitment to water stewardship our energy consumption through innovations in production actuaries. The most significant plans are held in Switzerland, and outlines how we are focusing on where and what matters infrastructure and increased efficiencies at our plants. the United States of America and the United Kingdom. 30 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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