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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Employee safety, health & wellbeing This approach of building connections is also seen in our purpose can have a negative impact on your overall wellbeing. Our global Employee Assitance ‘Health & Wellbeing Communities of Practice’ programme, Motivation can be increased by how much time you spend on Programme offers a 24/7 online which was launched globally during the year as a forum for activities that involve giving to others rather than receiving help-point in over 200 languages sharing common interest and best practice in health and from them. We look to boost employee motivation through a wellbeing initiatives. Involving employees from North number of actions including our continuing programme as well as telephone advice with America, Latin America, the UK and Dubai, topics included Imagine; a dedicated channel “Let’s Imagine Together” on Ollie, local consultants. strategies for better sleep, demonstrations of cooking to aid our community-driven employee communications platform, mental health, and the benefits of family activities. Many where we share more about Givaudan’s Purpose and why we additional local initiatives focusing on physical and mental do what we do; local Green Team activities as well as local health and wellbeing took place: this included badminton charity committees. Mental health tournaments in China, health coaching in North America, and We use the term “mental health” in relation to our feelings and a ‘workout for good’ challenge in Singapore. Our continuing programme Imagine helps employees thought processes. It is about our ability to concentrate, make understand our purpose, and gives them space to personally good judgments or remember details. If we are feeling stressed, In line with our purpose ambition, we are committed to ensuring connect to it. In 2021, we invited everyone to Imagine. This anxious or depressed, we will find it harder to concentrate, or that we continue to provide more tools that support our programme is an invitation for all colleagues at Givaudan to make a decision. At Givaudan, we support our employees in employees’ mental and physical health. Employee Assistance come together to explore our purpose. We took the looking after their mental health through our global Health & Programmes are a commonly offered benefit designed to help opportunity of new, virtual ways of working to invite colleagues Wellbeing programme, local mental wellbeing webinars, a employees deal with personal problems that might adversely to co-create the programme. More than 150 employees took global employee assistance programme hotline, local employee impact their work performance, health and wellbeing. We have part in its development, suggesting stories, examples and support groups as well as local mental health first aiders. While introduced a confidential tool to support the mental, physical, different ways to bring our purpose to life. This approach also programmes vary by location, overall we look to make sure social and financial wellbeing of our employees. allowed us to cross language barriers, translating the content that people are aware of signs of feeling unwell and we place a into the 18 most commonly spoken languages at Givaudan. big emphasis on prevention. Our EAP partner offers a 24/7 online help-point in over 200 languages as well as telephone advice with local consultants. These three bases need to be supported by ways of working and We launched our ‘Happier, Healthier Habits’ campaign in 2020 It offers support on a variety of topics such as personal wellbeing, by leadership behaviours. Being conscious of how we work is to foster connections between colleagues and offer guidance mental health, relationships, family matters and workplace critical during this time. Pressures involving deadlines, on physical and mental health. Mental wellbeing impacts all challenges. All employees can access EAP including those from responsibilities, task complexity, challenge, relationships and areas of life and influences how we think, feel, and behave in newly integrated companies. Family members of Givaudan supervision can seriously reduce our wellbeing, especially if we daily life. It also affects our ability to cope with stress, overcome employees can also use the EAP services. Employees can connect fail to recognise and manage it well. At the same time, good challenges, build relationships, and recover from setbacks. This to services by phone, app or by web platform using country leadership behaviours are key enablers to building and initiative was continued in 2021 through ‘Happier Healthier specific log-in details. maintaining workplace wellbeing and resilience. By modelling Habits Circles’. A second series called ‘Connecting for wellbeing behaviours, demonstrating good work-life integration, #climatepositivity’ invited employees to explore how building Sense of purpose strong working relationships and a healthy lifestyle, we can lead connections with each other and nature can lead to positive A sense of purpose, or motivation, is another significant and champion wellbeing. outcomes such as better relationships, more positive element of wellbeing. It is important to have things in our lives conversations and the ability to find calm and build resilience. that give us meaning – living without motivation or a sense of 98 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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