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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Employee safety, health & wellbeing reduce our total recordable injury rate by 50% and ensure For contract work, both the contracted party and Givaudan U.K., Singapore, France, Indonesia, Malaysia and Hungary, to access to mental and physical health initiatives, tools and must be fully aware of and prepared for associated hazards. give a few examples) we provide company health plans in training for everyone on our sites. Contractors are required to demonstrate a full understanding addition to basic government health plans. This is our overall of the job/task/activities being performed and have a system approach to facilitating access to medical services and care Our health and safety activities have focused exclusively on our to understand and control the risks in place. The contractor is on a social and complementary health basis. production sites, but we are now expanding our scope to inducted into site policies and procedures and mandatory include non-production sites such as commercial offices and Contractor Safety Orientation/Training is performed before More specifically, our promotion of worker health and wellbeing laboratories. It is important to educate and equip all our the contractor is allowed on site. Refresher training is is based on a framework inspired by the Warwick-Edinburgh employees with appropriate safety information and access to performed annually. Training content is tailored according to Mental Wellbeing Scale, which was developed to aid in the support. This will mean the reporting of health and safety data assessed risk level and can range from basic safety guidelines measurement of mental wellbeing in the general population and from all recently acquired businesses and the subsequent public to topics such as hazardous energy isolation. Training is with the evaluation of projects, programmes and policies that aim disclosure of performance. The programme, which included currently provided on a site-by-site basis. to improve mental wellbeing. Our approach is built on the three training EHS people at our non-production sites, continued in bases of physical and mental wellbeing, as well as a sense of 2021, helping us meet our aim to provide EHS coverage for the Disclosure 403 – 6 purpose, supported by appropriate ways of working and whole organisation, including acquisition sites. Promotion of worker health leadership behaviours, to ensure that we can all take responsibility Overall, we review our employee benefits every year to see to care for our own health as well as that of our colleagues. In terms of specific programmes, the EHS group this year whether they are in line with the market. We first consider continued its global fire safety campaign. Fire represents a local social programmes and then build on them with specific Physical health threat to our people, assets and business and the campaign company benefit plans. For instance, in many countries (U.S., With the term “physical health,” we refer to the overall physical was launched to improve employee awareness of fire safety condition of the body. Key drivers of our physical wellbeing are and to minimise risks. The aim is to build a proactive, sleep, recovery, nutrition and exercise. We are not always preventative fire safety culture and to fill any technical gaps in aware of the importance of recovery/relaxation and often find fire prevention measures. This year’s phase of the campaign, Warwick-Edinburgh little time for recovery in the workplace, even though it is which focuses on the top three causes of fire in a workplace critical to maintaining good physical health. Tools for – waste, electrostatic charges and electric risk – centred on Mental Wellbeing Scale addressing physical health at Givaudan include our local electrostatic charges, building awareness and competences occupational health and fitness programmes. Programmes through a train-the-trainer model. In 2021, we conducted offered vary by region, but include, for instance, employee-led 28 sessions, with more than 200 employees trained at our fitness groups and running clubs in many of our sites as well as operations sites. We expect this third phase of the campaign PURPOSE activities such as the yoga courses. At some sites, we also offer to be completed in 2022. Ways of Leadership the seasonal flu vaccine to active employees. working behaviours We were able to carry out some in-person interactions such MENTAL as site visits, site-specific demonstrations or face-to-face meetings as allowed by the evolution of the pandemic PHYSICAL situation, though others were either postponed or organised as virtual meetings. 97 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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