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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Employee safety, health & wellbeing Givaudan’s company and site managers are responsible for Internal audits ensure that sites apply our EHS management safety, health and environmental protection in all areas under system. In 2019, the internal EHS audit programme finished All incidents or non-compliances are their control. They have the authority to establish local EHS the first cycle with 34 sites, with a focus on EHS Management. reported, recorded and investigated organisational structures and to allocate responsibilities and The expansion of the programme has since been delayed by to establish the causes. resources as required to support the local organisation. The COVID-19 but is scheduled for relaunch in Q1 2022. We have individuals responsible for EHS at each site are clearly also developed a five-year plan to incorporate new sites and identified. Site management also has the authority to acquisitions. The external audit programme from our insurers introduce local standards and guidelines to ensure compliance (Zurich) was restarted in October. As with internal audits, the with local laws and regulations. Company Managers and /or programme scope has been reviewed to incorporate Site Managers are fully supported by Givaudan’s group and acquisitions and new sites. divisional management. We continue to successfully drive EHS contacts, which are report unsafe conditions and activities. Employees are able to More generally, Givaudan’s Health and Safety directives quality conversations correcting environment, health and report to supervisors/site EHS/global EHS. The EHS reporting require that all Givaudan sites carry out adequate periodic safety issues and reinforcing good safety behaviour, we had system can be found through multiple platforms, including on assessment of risks and control measures within the 39,686 such contacts this year. our intranet, via SAP, via mobile and tablet apps. Reports can workplace. These reviews, led by an EHS professional trained be made online and offline using a form. Employees can also in the execution of workplace assessments, serve to give a Though our health and safety activities have traditionally use the compliance helpline to report in confidence either by comprehensive and valid judgment regarding the protection focused on production sites, in January we expanded our phone or by web intake in all company languages. It is level of occupational health and safety accomplished at the scope to include non-production sites such as commercial important to note that our principles of conduct state that workplace. It documents the protection status attained and offices and laboratories. This will mean the reporting of we do not tolerate retaliation. whether or not control measures are adequate. The standard health and safety data from all Givaudan sites (please note is valid for all workplaces within Givaudan worldwide and that Givaudan regularly acquires companies and that they All incidents or non-compliances are reported, recorded and other sites operated under the Company’s responsibility. Joint may not be included in this scope at the time of writing) and investigated to establish the causes. In keeping with the ventures and toll manufacturers may also be subject to this the subsequent public disclosure of performance. magnitude of the problem and its potential effect, corrective standard, where agreed by both parties. action is taken to eliminate the cause. Any necessary changes Risk analyses are to be reviewed whenever relevant changes, to processes or working practice are implemented, checked, The review team draws conclusions, discusses appropriate identified by our Management of Change (MOC) standard, are recorded in documented procedures and reviewed for control measures, and determines objectives and deadlines made or at an interval dictated by local law or regulations effectiveness as part of scheduled reviews. for any foreseen remedies. Where control is judged as being (e.g. US PSM) or at least every five years, though longer inadequate or not enough information is available, workplace revision time may be obtained with the formal agreement of Our approach to incident investigation is based on root cause assessment has to identify ways of correcting the situation. the Global EHS. analysis. This approach includes gathering facts, performing All the information and facts gathered in the course of the an investigation, identifying immediate and root causes assessment are documented. Every Givaudan employee is required to take reasonable care and building an action plan based on the hierarchy of controls. in the workplace for their own health and safety, and for that We then validate the report with relevant peer review and of others. Employees are empowered to challenge any clearly assigned accountability in terms of implementing situation they believe to be dangerous and are encouraged to control measures. 94 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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