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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Employee safety, health & wellbeing Relevant global experts are part of the investigation team for Through the use of the Humantech Industrial Ergonomics certain events. Their role is to ensure adequate learning, Software, sites can focus on assessing activities and identifying Excelling in health consistency and the proper sharing of what has been learnt, ergonomic risks with the aim of improving performance and at the site, regional and global levels when required. These reducing risk in the different workplaces. Rollout of the global and safety everywhere, learnings are also used to improve occupational health and programme for the acquisition sites is going as planned and every day process safety programmes and are shared with the relevant commercial site expansion is scheduled for 2022. We held virtual expert networks. Important findings are shared with all sites. workshops in April for sites in Naturals EAME region, in June for Impressive safety records have been set at the engineering community, covering advanced ergonomic two of our production sites in India, with Disclosure 403 – 3 design concepts and in September for sites in the APAC region. no recordable case injuries at Jigani for Occupational health services A total of 257 ergonomic assessments were completed at more than nine years and none at Daman Our Occupational Health Programme is based on the pillars of 35 production sites in 2021. We also started trials of the for over twelve years. Health Surveillance, Hazard Recognition, Hazard Management, wearable SoterSpine device to improve physical wellbeing in the This success is the result of a positive Hazard Assessment and Workplace Controls. A three-year workplace. The device and the associated app-based training health and safety culture that stems from implementation plan based on the “plan-do-check-act” programme allows employees to improve ergonomic practices the engagement of leaders and team- approach – an iterative management method used for the and avoid physical injury. Our first pilot programmes were at focused efforts addressing people, training control and continuous improvement of processes and products our sites in Devon and Avignon, and we plan to extend the use and processes. Creating awareness is also a – has involved site preparation, training and implementation of this technology in 2022. Our Devon and Carol Stream sites priority. Both sites organise engagement support for occupational health programmes on ergonomics also implemented a Fit for Work initiative to complement the events for employees, including activities and exposure control. traditional assessment approaches. Fit For Work personnel for families and the community, extending identify and correct minor ergonomic issues before they the culture of care beyond the sites. The chemical exposure control programme helps us better become injuries. This safety behaviour has been applied protect our people. Based on new tools for workplace at our site in Pune where we had no lost assessment, which help find the limit of exposure for each The implementation of the Humantech Office Ergonomics time injuries since the production at this chemical and facilitate the development of engineering or software (formerly Ergopoint), provides to all Givaudan factory started in 2019. other techniques to lessen such exposure, the programme employees a training module and platform to perform self- has been rolled out to 48 production sites. We plan to begin assessments of individual computer workstations, resulting in roll-out at additional sites in 2022. recommendations for correct workplace set-up and office habits that help in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. We have been extending the Ergonomic initiative, introduced In 2021, about 943 employees completed the e-learning course to flavours and fragrance production sites in 2015, now to and more than 829 self-assessments were entered throughout commercial and office sites. Such measures allow us to reduce the year. Since the programme launched in 2020, more than incidents and improve the long-term health and wellbeing of 2740 employees have completed the e-learning course and all employees. Ergonomic assessment in operations is carried more than 3000 self-assessments have been entered. The roll- out by experts, while self-assessment in the office is carried out of the Office Ergonomic software was affected by out via digital training. COVID-19 pandemic and will continue in 2022. 95 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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