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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Diversity, inclusion & people development As the leading employer in its field with a global workforce At Givaudan, the path to leadership is open to all motivated, Material topic definition of more than 16,800 employees, Givaudan depends on its talented and qualified people and we are committed to equal Diversity, inclusion & people development people. Working in a wide variety of roles, they help transform opportunity. Our Principles of Conduct state that it is our policy Having a balanced workforce that reflects the societies in the original creations of Givaudan’s talented perfumers and to recruit, employ and promote people solely on the basis of which Givaudan operates, including the elimination of all flavourists into products that are designed to satisfy the most the qualifications and abilities needed for the work to be discrimination to ensure that people from all backgrounds demanding requirements. These innovative, creative professionals performed without regard to race, age, gender, national origin and gender have the opportunity to succeed. Effectively are fundamental to our success. or any other non-relevant category. This is fundamentally the recruiting, developing, engaging, deploying and retaining right way of doing things and makes sense from an operational talent that meets future business imperatives. Managing talent and encouraging people is therefore another perspective. We provide opportunities for people of all critical element of meeting our business and sustainability goals. backgrounds, gender and origin. We support women’s Purpose pillars People who are passionate about our work and committed to empowerment and the associated economic growth and CREATIONS NATURE PEOPLE COMMUNITIES creating a sustainable society make significant contributions to development of societies through compensation policies the success of our business. Effectively recruiting, developing, including the ratio of remuneration of women to men. We also engaging, deploying and retaining a balanced workforce that focus on employee development to improve skills and Disclosure 103 – 1 meets future business imperatives is critical to improving staff productivity, to constantly adapt skills to requirements and to EXPLANATION OF THE MATERIAL retention, reducing costs and increasing our revenue. It helps us offer the best opportunities to our people. TOPIC AND ITS BOUNDARY attract and keep the best and the brightest. Having a diverse workforce that reflects the societies in Diversity and inclusion which we operate, with multiple perspectives, backgrounds Boundary Our approach to diversity and inclusion involves efforts to and points of view, improves business decisions because of • Givaudan eliminate all discrimination and to give people from all the breadth and depth of experience brought to the table. • Suppliers backgrounds the chance to succeed. We seek to attract local Eliminating discrimination and providing equal opportunities talent and industry experts to support growth in all markets. to people from all backgrounds and genders empowers Disclosure 103 – 2, 103 – 3 We embrace diversity throughout our organisation and people to seize the opportunities they deserve, boosting MANAGEMENT APPROACH recruit to build a representative and inclusive workforce. morale and loyalty and cultivating leaders with legitimacy. We believe that diversity and inclusivity add strength and Diversity and inclusivity are then critical to our business and balance to our workforce and we look to contribute to full We implement policies and programmes that are consistent help us manage our complex operating environment and and engaged employment and decent work for all. We want with promoting equal opportunities for everyone, without serve our customers in the best possible way. to accelerate our journey in these directions and have set discrimination. We ensure that Givaudan respects human rights three ambitious objectives to help us along the way. by acting with due diligence, as defined in the UN Guiding As an example, equal treatment of women and men is not just Principles for Business and Human Rights, which include a right the right thing to do – it is also good for business. The full We intend, before 2025, to be rated globally among the leading to non-discrimination. We also expect our suppliers to recruit, participation of women at Givaudan, including equal pay, makes employers for inclusion. Before 2030, 50% of our senior leaders employ and promote employees on the sole basis of the sound business sense and embracing women’s empowerment will be from high growth markets and 50% of our senior qualifications and abilities needed for the work to be performed, as a key goal will benefit us all. Looking beyond the company, leadership will be women. Progress in these objectives will be without regard to race, age, gender, national origin, religion or women’s empowerment is also essential to expanding economic measured against the baseline year of 2018. any other category not relevant to performance. growth and promoting social development. 87 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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