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Value-based governance Our stand against child labour The Company’s positions on child labour, forced labour, compulsory labour and human trafficking are rooted in our Principles of Conduct and in our new Human Rights Policy. All forms of child or forced labour are against our principles. We do not practice or tolerate any form of child exploitation, and we do not provide employment to children before they have completed their compulsory education and in any event not before they reach the age of 15. For business partners and suppliers, our Responsible Sourcing Policy specifies that suppliers must not use child labour (or forced labour) and are expected to comply with all reporting obligations regarding the abolition of child labour and human trafficking. Ensuring ethical standards in our supply chain Human Rights Impact Assessment in our supply chain is managed through continuous engagement and diverse interventions, which are embedded in many of our standard operating procedures and practices. The focus of these assessments ranges from high-level due diligence to more salient aspects, in particular those relating to health, safety or child labour. For transparency and to ensure Givaudan works against the highest standards of ethical practice, we are an active member of Sedex, a global platform that enables companies to manage their performance around labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics. Since 2010, we have been committed to register all our production sites on the Sedex platform and undergo the associated due diligence process. At the end of 2021, 82% of our production sites were registered on Sedex, had completed Sedex self-assessment questionnaires and were being assessed as per their set standard, i.e. Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA). The remaining 18% are new acquisitions and we plan to integrate them within two years of their acquisition. Training and vigilance module In 2021, we have developed a dedicated training and vigilance module around Givaudan’s expectations on child labour and work in our supply chains, aimed at better informing and equipping our own procurement colleagues and supply chain stakeholders. We started rolling this out in the second half of 2021 and have already covered some key raw material supply chains including, among others, thaumatococcus in the Ivory Coast, cistus in Spain and vanilla in Madagascar. 82 % of our production sites have been registered on Sedex and have completed Sedex self- assessment questionnaires. Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report Value-based governance Go od corporate citizenship 113

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