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Madagascar vanilla The Givaudan Foundation is promoting community development in terms of education, health, water, sanitation and hygiene, subsistence farming and income diversification. > 29 ,000 beneficiaries 2021 activities • Building and equipping a new health centre offering vanilla farmers from 8 villages access to healthcare. • Construction of a new school began in 2021. Madagascar clove leaf oil Givaudan and the Givaudan Foundations are helping small-scale producers of clove leaf essential oil in the Analanjirofo region establish sustainable sources of firewood and improve their distillation equipment. 2021 activities • more than 117,000 trees planted. The forests provide a sustainable source of energy for distilling clove leaf oil. • Continued work to develop and promote environmentally friendly stills. Tools have been created to train vanilla farmers to improve the quality of their crops. 274 farmers who grow rice to feed their families have improved their rice cultivation practises. Villagers have learned how to develop alternative sources of income like fish and chicken farming or beekeeping, making them less dependent on vanilla during times of market volatility or the lean season between planting and harvesting The wider community is also benefiting from the rural development programme supported by the Givaudan Foundation. In the activities focusing on education, health, water and hygiene, all decisions are made with the local communities, who are actively involved in implementation. As a result, over the years 28 schools have been built and educational materials supplied; wells providing clean water to more than 10,000 people have been built; health centres established; and people have been trained in COVID- specific hygiene practises. In 2021, a new public health centre was built and equipped, offering eight villages and more than 11,000  beneficiairies access to healthcare. In addition, we have responded to an aggravated shortage of classrooms with the construction of an additional school which will be finished in 2022. Precious clove leaf oil comes from Analanjirofo in Madagascar. In a partnership with the local communities we have several initiatives to provide education, skills and equipment that drive higher incomes and improved livelihoods, now and for the next generations. In addition, farmers have learned agronomic practises, such as correct pruning which helps preserve the clove trees and improves production of clove buds. Many more community initiatives are supported by the Givaudan Foundation, an independent not-for-profit organisation that has been funding projects to help build more secure futures for communities and their environments since 2014 in three areas, education, health and environment preservation. There are currently 67 projects in 29 countries, and pages 111–113 offer an overview of the great initiatives around the world. Other funding sources are Givaudan’s COVID-19 Communities Fund and, in some countries, direct charitable giving. Employees as a force for good A second element of our support is for the communities in which we operate. This is where our more than 16,800 employees make an impact. Ideas can come from anyone, anywhere: everyone is encouraged to suggest community improvements, from small and simple to revolutionary or complex. Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report Acting as a force for good Co mmunities St ronger communities, sustainable business 105 Acting as a force for good

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