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Our ambition is to become a more balanced company, strengthened by the diversity of employees and inclusivity for all. Diversity drives our innovation and creates closer connections between employees, customers and partners. Both diversity and inclusion are vital for encouraging employees to bring their whole selves to work, making them feel welcomed and inspired to do their best, and allowing them to enjoy a sense of belonging. We have set ourselves the target that, by 2025, we will be rated among the leading employers for inclusion globally; 50% of our senior leaders will be from high growth markets; and 50% of our senior leaders will be women. Better Balance One of our major initiatives is Better Balance, an approach which supports these goals by evolving our leadership mix to better reflect consumer and market demographics while embracing diversity in all its forms. As part of Better Balance, we have dialogue sessions which consist of two discussions, each two hours in length, to provide an opportunity for senior leaders to connect with colleagues. Since the launch in 2020, 361 people took part in these sessions. Towards a more balanced, inclusive company OUR AMBITION Before 2030, we will be an even more balanced and inclusive company. Focus area Ta r ge t s Status 2021 Actions and measures Diversity and inclusion We will be rated amongst the leading employers for inclusion globally before 2025 in progress Building more inclusive hiring practices: • Inclusive job ads • Balanced slates for hiring and promotion • Hiring manager training Fostering inclusive leadership development: • Evolving our Leadership development programmes • Better Balance approach • Managing unconscious bias at work 50% of our senior leaders will be from high growth markets before 2030 (baseline 2018) 26 % 50% of our senior leaders will be women before 2030 (baseline 2018) 26 % Complementing Better Balance is our Leader Connect programme, which enables members of the Executive Committee and other senior leaders to build connections and strengthen networks within the Company that can support accelerated development, confidence and potential development opportunities. Preventing unconscious bias In becoming more inclusive, it is important for our leaders to be aware of unconscious bias and how to disrupt and manage this bias to become more inclusive. During the year we held workshops for managers and our HR teams to help us gain awareness of unconscious bias and provided practice to identify bias in the workplace. This training, which also provided practical tools to manage unconscious bias, was attended by 309 people in 2021. We also held revised, interactive instructor-led virtual training for hiring managers, ‘Selecting the Best - Imagine Tomorrow’, which highlighted factors such as understanding where unconscious bias is likely to occur during the recruitment process. Three modules included a section on appreciating the potential that recruiting more diverse profiles or talent can bring to the business and how best these types of profiles can be recruited. Launched in the last quarter of 2021, 68 people took part in this training. Givaudan fi 2021 Integrated Annual Report 94 Acting as a force for good Pe ople To wards a more balanced, inclusive company

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