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ACTING AS A FORCE FOR GOOD 53 C reations 70 Nat ure 88 P eople 100 C ommunities VALUE- BASED GOVERNANCE 112 Good co r porate citizensh ip 115 Le ading t he way in regulatory compliance and product safety 120 Ou r code of conduct for a positive impact on society 123 Eff ective and transparent corporate governance 129 Se tting incentives to create value CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS 134 Ke y figures 136 Co nsolidated financial statements 142 Co nsolid ated ESG data APPENDIX 150 Ou r global presence 152 Gi vaudan sites worldwide 160 Abo ut this report – I ntegrated Reporting – SA SB Standards – T CFD Recommendations – GR I Standards – UN G lobal Compact – S ustainable Development Goals 169 G lossary 172 Ou r re porting suite 110 148 132 50 Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report Table of contents 3

Integrated Annual Report - Page 5 Integrated Annual Report Page 4 Page 6