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Also in 2021, as industry leader and taking our responsibility to drive a positive impact, we created and published our water policy. This policy embodies our overall strategy for monitoring and reducing water consumption and emphasises our commitment to water stewardship. It is an approach based on the UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate and driven by our purpose. Looking forward, our guiding principles will focus on our operations and our communities: in our operations, we are looking to secure water supply and optimise water use and continuously improve how we manage effluent discharge; and in our supply chain and our communities we are reducing water risk and improving water quality management aspects. We are looking to foster sustainable water use at the watershed level and improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene, thus supporting communities to thrive. DOWNLOAD ▸ sustainability ▸ nature ▸ water ▸ our water policy Givaudan's water consumption Based on the 2018 corporate water footprint 2021 2020 . . Water efficiency ¹ in m ³ per tonne of production The policy is also used to guide our growth strategy in terms of location, technology and procedures. We put emphasis on places where water stress is expected, carrying out detailed risk assessments to develop water mitigation action plans, including efficiency improvements and water reuse opportunities. In 2021, we also set new water targets and goals in order to increase our resilience against growing water challenges, reduce risk and protect business continuity; to meet increasing external and internal stakeholder expectations; and to drive positive impacts in watersheds where we source and operate. We act as a role model in water stewardship working to protect water-dependent ecosystems and encourage the sustainable use of resources. This means that: In our operations, our targets are – to i mprove water efficiency by 25% on sites facing water stress by 2030 – defined as the ability, or lack thereof, to meet human and ecological demand for fresh water – compared to 2020 levels, Our targets and goals contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals number 6 (clean water and sanitation) and number 12 (responsible consumption and production). Upstream activities Downstream activities Raw material Onsite direct water use and energy Logistics and packaging 97 % 1 % 2 % 1. Includes third party water (municipal supplies / purchased water) and g roundwater. Givaudan ff 2021 Integrated Annual Report 82 Acting as a force for good Nat ure Ou r commitment to water stewardship

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