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Key performance indicators 2015 (restated in 2021) ¹ 2020 (restated in 2021) ² 20 21 ³ Water Water intake (m³) Surface water 5,006,361 4,923,265 5,088,104 Groundwater 1,390,267 1,561,661 1,390,612 Seawater – – 547 Third-party water – purchased water 2,359,818 3,205,348 3,495,105 Rainwater collected directly and stored by the reporting organisation 13,249 13,200 14,099 Third-party water – wastewater from another organisation 259,727 275,828 248,004 Total water withdrawal ¹² 9,0 29,422 9,979,302 10,236,472 Water efficiency (m³/tonne of production) ¹³ 9. 74 8.35 8.36 Water discharge (m³) To the environment w/o biological treatment – 3,832,499 4,414,877.87 To the environment after biological treatment – 2,131,546 2,076,603.46 To external treatment facility w/o pre-treatment – 790,277 751,255.64 To external treatment facility with pre-treatment – 1,881,652 1,987,000.33 Total water discharge – 8,635,974 9,229,737.30 Water consumption (m³) Water consumption – 1,343,328 1,006,734.44 COD (tonnes) COD load of water discharged to the environment – 284.50 245.19 Other data Nitrogen oxides – NOₓ (tonnes) ¹⁴ – 6 6.71 69.28 Sulphur dioxide – SO₂ (tonnes) ¹⁴ – 9 6.84 98.37 Volatile organic compounds (tonnes) – 1,018.46 1,069.22 CFC inventory (kg) – 7, 6 3 9 3,881.41 CFC ¹¹ equivalent inventory (kg) – 783 574.0 0 CFC loss-replacement (kg) – 765 525.62 CFC ¹¹ equivalent loss/replacement (kg) – 42 28.91 Production Production quantities (tonnes) 385,189 571,141 584,154.76 1. Assured 2015 full-year figures. For Scope 1, 2 and 3 these values include the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. See the "Restatements of information" section f or restatements. For all other figures, these values exclude the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. 2. As sured 12-month rolling figures (Q4 2019 to Q3 2020) for values excluding the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. These latter figures have been included in the reported values, but have not been assured by the third-party auditor. See the "Restatements of information" section for restatements in the 2021 GRI Sustainability Report page 81. 3. As sured 12-month rolling figures (Q4 2020 to Q3 2021) for values including the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. 4. Fo r 2021, includes natural gas (0.0336 GJ/m³), light fuel (39.5904 GJ/m³), heavy fuel (40.1759 GJ/m³), Liquid Petroleum Gas (24.6719 GJ/m³), town gas (0.0254 GJ/m³), waste used as energy source (22.5000 GJ/m³), biofuel (33,1080 GJ/m³), biogas (0,0342 GJ/m³), biomass (0,0116 kg/GJ), geothermal energy (0.0036 GJ/kWh), deducting steam sold (3.0750 GH/tonnes). 5. In cluding emissions from CH₄ and N₂O from usage of biomass/biofuels. 6. In cluding emissions from CO₂ from usage of biomass/biofuels. 7. Th ese two categories do not include data for the recent acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom. 8. In cludes only scope 1 and scope 2. 9. Th is data was not collected in 2015. We started to include this category in our reporting in 2020. In the past, this treatment was included in the recycling processes. 10. Inc ludes incinerated with and without energy recovery and landfilled waste (HZ and NHZ). 11. This indicator measures the total quantity of waste that is not directly related to the daily operations, but is categorised as one-off waste. Examples of waste in this category are waste materials coming from demolition or remediation activities or waste or raw materials following an unusual incident, e.g., a fire. 12 . In cludes sanitary, cooling and process water. 13. In cludes third-party water (municipal supplies / purchased water) and groundwater. 14. Qu antity is calculated by multiplying the annual fuel consumption by the corresponding emission factor for fuel type. ▸ Ta ble continued from page 143 Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report 144 Consolidated statements Co nsolidated ESG data

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