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GRI Standards Givaudan prepares its sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative, Core option. The most important sustainability information, including information about stakeholder engagement and material topics is integrated in our Annual Report. The complete set and details of our GRI disclosures, the GRI Content Index and the external assurance statement can be found in the 2021 GRI Sustainability Report. The reporting period for our environmental data is from Q4 2020 to Q3 2021. Our different reports and the website are closely connected and reference between each other. All are published at the same time end of January 2022. DOWNLOAD Our 2021 GRI Sustainability Report at ▸ Investors ▸ Online annual report ▸ Download centre Materiality topic Equivalent GRI topic Purpose pillar UNGC Principles SDGs mapping Biodiversity GRI 304: Biodiversity Nature Principle 8 Climate change GRI 201 – 2 : Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change GRI 301: Materials GRI 302: Energy GRI 305: Emissions Nature Principle 7, 8, 9 Consumer health & wellbeing GRI 416: Customer health and safety Creations Diversity, inclusion & people development GRI 102 – 8 : Information on employees and other workers GRI 202: Market presence GRI 401: Employment GRI 404: Training and education GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity GRI 406: Non-discrimination People Principle 6 Economic performance GRI 201: Economic performance Creations Nature People Communities Employee safety, health & wellbeing GRI 403: Occupational health and safety People Governance & business conduct / ethics / transparency GRI 102 – 1 1: Precautionary Principle or approach GRI 102 – 1 6: Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour GRI 102 – 1 7: Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics   GRI 102 – 1 8: Governance structure GRI 205: Anti-corruption Creations Nature People Communities Principle 10 Human rights GRI 102 – 41: Collective bargaining agreements GRI 402: Labour/management relations GRI 407: Freedom of association and collective bargaining GRI 408: Child labour GRI 409: Forced or compulsory labour GRI 412: Human rights assessment GRI 414: Supplier social assessment Nature People Communities Principle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report 164 Appendix Ab out this report

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