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Key topics & concerns discussed B CORP CERTIFICATION On a journey to B Corp certification We have started our long-term journey to become a certified B Corporation and be part of a global movement to build a ‘B economy’ that shares value among everyone. We want to make our mark by being a business acting as a force for good, successfully balancing people, planet and profit. This means growing our Company and balancing it with a positive impact on society and our planet, joining more than 4,000 B Corps in over 70 countries and 150 industries. We will do this through the engagement and involvement of all employees and stakeholders, and by having authentic leaders who take decisions that benefit everyone involved and inspire by example. B Corp certification will measure Givaudan’s entire social and environmental performance and provide independent verification that we live up to our purpose. We have committed to the B Corp Declaration of Interdependence and we are a founder member of the B Movement Builders, a coalition of leading multinational companies taking meaningful action to change our economic system. “We’ve started the preliminary assessment to understand where we are today,” says Anna, our new Head of B Corp certification. “Over the coming months we will prioritise what we need to do to move forward and develop a roadmap that brings in our functions and sites in the best possible way.” READ MORE Discussion between Willem Mutsaerts, Head of Global Procurement and Sustainability, and Anna Segura, Head of B Corp Certification, GRI sustainability report ▸ page 5 • Diversity, inclusion & people development • Employee health & safety & wellness • Governance & business conduct / ethics / transparency • Human rights • Innovation capabilities & management • Climate change • Diversity, inclusion & people development • Economic performance • Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) topics • Governance & business conduct / ethics / transparency • Innovation capabilities & management • Raw material availability • Biodiversity • Climate change • Diversity, inclusion & people development • Governance & business conduct / Ethics / Transparency • Human rights • Local community development • Product / ingredient environmental & social performance • Responsible sourcing & traceability • Climate change • Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) topics • Governance & business conduct / Ethics / Transparency • Human rights • Product / ingredient environmental & social performance • Product quality & safety and ingredient disclosure • Responsible sourcing & traceability • Climate change • Consumer health and wellbeing • Innovation capabilities & management • Product / ingredient environmental & social performance • Product quality & safety and ingredient disclosure Working to become a Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report Strategic value creation St akeholder engagement and materiality 35 Strategic value creation

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