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PA RTNER & SYSTEMS REDUCE 100 % CIRCUL ARIT Y Design for circularity Increase renewable materials Improve the system There is an urgency around the climate crisis, as we all know, and urgent solutions are required but it will ‘take time to go fast’ before we can become 100% circular with plastics. The way forward will require business agility and anticipating trends and may require investments. That’s why it is important to remain positive and resilient on the topic. At the beginning of our journey to 100% plastic circularity, we have a strategy and a roadmap in place to replace all single-use plastics by eco-friendly alternatives by 2030. We have appointed a Global Head of Plastic Circularity and new governance has been drawn up to facilitate the implementation of solutions in our operations. This enabled us to develop guidelines during 2021 to help our teams on the ground and we are also developing educational tools to share knowledge, learnings and information. Our plastics strategy A detailed ‘Plastic Book’ is being prepared to better understand our detailed plastic footprint. This detail is important in order to set priorities, be ready for new regulations or compliance schemes, innovate and follow our progress. We are undertaking a long-term journey, and as 100% plastic circularity is our final goal, anticipation is key to do good things in a good way. The journey will be guided by a strategy to support our long-term vision for sustainable plastics. This strategy is articulated around three main axes: designing our packaging to be more circular, increasing the renewable materials content and improving the system for the end of life of our plastics. On top of this, reducing our plastic usage and consumption should first be integrated in all our actions. Partnerships and systems will be powerful enablers in our journey. Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report Acting as a force for good Nat ure Re thinking plastics – towards 100% circularity 85 Acting as a force for good

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