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Focussed market strategies One of the three growth drivers powering the Company’s 2025 strategy is maximising mature market opportunities and extending its high growth market leadership. Free Cash Flow (FCF)* FCF refers to operating cash flow after net investments, interest paid, lease payments and purchase and sale of own equity instruments. GHG emissions Greenhouse gas emissions. GHG emissions scope 1 Direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by Givaudan. GHG emissions scope 2 Energy indirect emissions resulting from the generation of energy that Givaudan purchases, such as electricity. GHG emissions scope 3 Other indirect emissions that relate to the emissions produced by Givaudan's entire value chain. Givaudan Business Solutions (GBS) Implemented in 2017, GBS is the foundation of Givaudan’s commitment to deliver with excellence and is designed to improve internal efficiencies, leverage best practices from across the organisation and increase the Company’s agility. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) A non-profit organisation that has developed the most widely used frameworks for the creation of sustainability reports. GRI Standards The latest version of frameworks for sustainability reporting issued by GRI in 2016. Givaudan prepares its sustainability reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards, core option. Integrated Reporting An integrated report is a concise communication about how an organisation’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects, in the context of its external environment, lead to the creation of value in the short, medium and long term. The capitals, or stocks of value, are increased, decreased or transformed by the activities and outputs of an organisation. The Integrated Reporting Framework is proposed by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). In 2021, the IIRC has merged with the SASB to form the Value Reporting Foundation. International Fragrance Association (IFRA) IFRA is the global representative body of the fragrance industry. It seeks to represent the collective interests of the industry and promote the safe use of fragrances. International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI) IOFI is the global association representing the industry that creates, produces and sells flavourings worldwide. Leverage ratio* Leverage ratio is defined as net debt divided by the sum of net debt and equity. Like-for-Like (LFL)* LFL is defined as: (a) sales calculated using the invoicing exchange rates of the prior year, (b) excluding sales of businesses acquired from the acquisition date until the period end date, up to 12 months from the acquisition date, and (c) excluding sales of the businesses disposed of from the disposal date until the period end date of the comparable prior period. Lost Time Injury (LTI) LTI refers to the number of accidents on the job involving an absence from the workplace for a minimum of one day. Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) LTIR is the measure of the number of occupational incidents with at least one day of work lost relative to 200,000 hours of work. Net debt to EBITDA ratio Information and reconciliation of this Alternative Performance Measure can be found in the Appendix ‘Alternative Performance Measures’ in Givaudan’s 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial report page 119. Market capitalisation Share price on the reporting date multiplied by the number of shares issued. Materiality This is a fundamental principle commonly used for defining report content. In the GRI Standards, material topics for a company are those that can significantly influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders, or have a significant impact on the economy, environment or society. This defines a company’s sustainability strategy and therefore its sustainability reporting. In integrated reporting, material topics are those that substantively affect the organisation’s ability to create value over the short, medium, or long term. In financial reporting it determines the topics that influence stakeholders’ assessments and decisions if omitted or misstated. * Definitions and further information and reconciliations of the Group’s Alternative Performance Measures can be found in the Appendix ‘Alternative Performance Measures’ in Givaudan’s 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial report pages 118-119. Givaudan – 2021 Integrated Annual Report 170 Appendix Gl ossary

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