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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Water stewardship Our targets and goals are aligned with the United Nations Water use Source of water withdrawal in our operations Sustainable Development Goals, and we focus our attention Our water footprint indicates that 97% of our water use can specifically on activities related and contributing to SDG 6 be accounted for by consumption in the supply chain. This is 14% 50% (Clean water and sanitation) and SDG 12 (Responsible primarily linked to the agricultural irrigation of the natural Ground Surface consumption and production) to ensure we contribute to raw materials we source. The availability and quality of water water water safer and more sustainable company development. Our policy is then highly important to our sourcing as it has an impact on also follows best practices from the UN Global Compact’s the quality and the availability of certain raw materials. In 36% CEO Water Mandate, which we endorsed in 2020. order to manage this impact, we leverage our engagement beyond our own operations and address the issue in our Municipal We carry out periodic corporate risk assessments that include supply chains. water both water- and climate-related risks as we recognise the strong link between the two topics. This allows us to identify Onsite direct water use and energy accounts for an additional relevant exposures and perform analyses that are specifically 2% of our consumption, while the final 1% is linked to logistics million m³ related to the watershed-level context. and packaging. The diagram below shows the distribution of 1Water consumed We report annually to the CDP Water Security questionnaire our global water footprint. 10 million m³ ~ and strive for continuous improvement as part of our water ~ Water withdrawed resources management and stewardship commitments. 9million m³ ~ Water discharged Givaudan's water consumption Operations Based on 2018 Corporate water footprint In our operations, we want to set clear objectives to optimise water efficiency, with a focus on water stressed areas and Upstream activities Downstream activities wastewater treatment. Our business operations are fully aligned with and contribute to the sustainable management of water in the key watershed basins in which we work. We intend to be a role model in water stewardship by working to Raw material Onsite direct water use Logistics and packaging protect water-dependent ecosystems and encouraging the 97% and energy 2% 1% sustainable use of water resources. The majority of the water withdrawal in our operations is taken from surface water; other sources are municipal supplies and groundwater. 70 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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