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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Water stewardship Material topic definition We also recognise that access to fresh water and sanitation driven by our Purpose. The policy emphasises our commitment Water stewardship services are an essential human right. Therefore, we strive to to water stewardship: we strive to drive a positive impact in protect water resources and promote global access to Water, watersheds where we source and operate. In our operations, we Optimising the use of intake water and ensuring the Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) principles, seeking to guarantee are looking to secure water supply and optimise water use and quality of discharged water. Assessing and addressing access to water to all our employees and to vulnerable continuously improve how we manage effluent discharge. In our water risks at owned operations and in our supply chain communities in the areas where we source and operate. supply chain and in our communities, we are mitigating water to minimise impact on the environment and society in the risk and improving water quality management aspects. We look areas where we source and operate. We are confident that managing water as a precious resource to foster sustainable water use at the watershed level and and reusing it as much as possible will allow us to mitigate improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene, thus supporting Purpose pillars watershed challenges and to improve the lives of everyone along communities to thrive. The policy is also used to guide our CREATIONS NATURE PEOPLE COMMUNITIES our value chain. growth strategy in terms of location, technology and procedures. We put emphasis on places where water stress is expected, Driven by our purpose, we must lead the way by delivering on carrying out detailed risk assessments to develop water Disclosure 103 – 1 our own ambitious commitments while harnessing the power of mitigation action plans, including efficiency improvements and EXPLANATION OF THE MATERIAL TOPIC collaboration across sectors to drive change. Givaudan is striving water reuse opportunities. AND ITS BOUNDARY to be an industry leader in conservation and stewardship, and Shared water challenges associated with climate change and we look to use water in a socially equitable, environmentally Specifically, we act as a role model in water stewardship, working extreme weather events are likely to increase in frequency and sustainable and economically beneficial manner. to protect water-dependent ecosystems and encouraging the intensity in the coming decades. Declining water quality, long- sustainable use of resources. In our operations, our targets are, by lasting droughts and increased water stress are all elements Boundary 2030, to improve water efficiency by 25% on sites facing water identified as material water risks faced by some of our operations • Givaudan stress - defined as the ability, or lack thereof, to meet human and and supply chains. We need to work collaboratively with our • Suppliers ecological demand for fresh water - compared to 2020 levels and neighbours - including suppliers, local partners and communities continuously improve water efficiency on all other sites. A full - to address challenges at the watershed level so we can Disclosure 103 – 2, 103 – 3, 303 – 1, 303 – 2 100% of our wastewater discharge will meet or exceed regulatory regenerate stressed watersheds and mitigate water risks. MANAGEMENT APPROACH and industry standards by 2030. In our supply chain and in our Responsible use of water is essential to the company’s leadership communities, our goals are to improve and protect water quality Water is essential to our production activities and to our entire and we believe that our business model must be fully aligned and quantity in our priority natural supply chains and improve value chain. In operations, we use water primarily for hygiene with, and contribute to, sustainable water management in the access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in vulnerable and cleaning, cooling and processing. Additionally, our use of key water basins where we source and operate, particularly in communities where we source and operate. These latter goals water generates wastewater, and we need to ensure that it is high water-risk basins. We intend to champion water contribute towards the Communities goals of our purpose. treated appropriately before being discharged to the stewardship, working to protect water-dependent ecosystems environment. In our supply chain, water use is related to the raw and encouraging the sustainable use of water resources. materials that rely on agricultural irrigation and to the synthetic raw materials that require water in production. Our overall strategy for monitoring and reducing water Water is a local issue and needs consumption is embodied in our Water Policy, an approach based on the UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate and to be addressed locally. 68 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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