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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Material topics Materiality topic Equivalent GRI topic Purpose pillar* UNGC Principles SDGs mapping Waste management & GRI 306: Waste Principle 8 circular principles Water stewardship GRI 303: Water and effluents Principle 8 Even though purely financial issues have been excluded in our materiality * Creations Nature People Communities update, we still report on the topic “Economic performance”, which we consider fundamental to our social licence to operate and to our efforts to be a good corporate citizen, by using GRI 201: Economic Performance. Disclosure 102 – 49 Changes in boundaries Changes in reporting A detailed overview of the sites in GRI scope for environmental, Changes in material topics health and safety data can be found in the 2021 Integrated We reduced the list of material topics to 15 from 24 following Annual Report. our 2021 materiality assessment update. Previous content is still included, but it has been better clustered and tailored to READ MORE Givaudan’s context. The material topic definitions have also 2021 Integrated Annual Report ▸ pages 152–159 ▸ Givaudan sites worldwide been clarified. The report’s chapters now directly follow our material topics, Disclosure 102 – 50 with GRI 103 used for each Management Approach. We feel that Reporting period this will better reflect Givaudan’s material topics in the reporting, The reporting period covers the full year 2021 which includes avoid duplications in content and facilitate reader understanding. employee numbers and safety data. Environmental data GRI topic-specific disclosures are integrated into the relevant concerns 12 months, the fourth quarter of 2020 through the material topic chapters. Even though it is no longer explicitly third quarter of 2021, which is now the regular reporting mentioned in our list of material topics, we continue to report period for environmental data for the reporting cycles. This on Economic performance. We consider this fundamental to our enables the publication of the reporting suite with full data social license to operate and to our efforts to be a good assurance process. corporate citizen. Our list of material topics is included in both our Integrated Report and in our Sustainability GRI Index. 17 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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