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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Table of contents A year in review Environment Appendix 4 Letters to stakeholders 49 Our ambitions 117 The principles of the UN Global Compact 5 Conversation with our new Head of B Corp 50 Givaudan’s environmental footprint 118 The Sustainable Development Goals 6 Our impact in 2021 51 Climate change 120 GRI Content Index 7 Our purpose is at the heart of everything we do 63 Waste management & circular principles 128 TCFD Recommendations 8 ESG fully integrated in our business 68 Water stewardship 129 SASB Standards mapping 9 Our sustainability journey 75 Biodiversity 130 Independent assurance statement 10 How ingredients help us protect the environment 78 Environmental performance indicators 132 Our reporting suite and care for communities 11 Stakeholder engagement 14 Material topics Social 18 Key partnerships 86 Our ambitions 87 Diversity, inclusion & people development Economic / Governance 93 Employee safety, health & wellbeing 101 Consumer health & wellbeing 27 Our ambitions 104 Human rights 28 Economic performance 108 Responsible sourcing & traceability 31 Governance & business conduct / 113 Local community development ethics / transparency 38 Product / Ingredients environmental & social performance 40 Product quality & safety and ingredient disclosure 42 Innovation capabilities & management References used References to other pages in this report, other reports, documents or our websites for more information Link to a website 2 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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