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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Climate change Renewable energy sources Disclosure 302 – 1, 302 – 4 Disclosure 302 – 3 Innovative sourcing strategies are an important part of reaching Energy consumption and reduction within the organisation Energy intensity our targets. In 2020, we set a new renewable electricity strategy Change to 2020 2015 2020 prioritising first on-site generation, then off-site generation and (restated) ¹ 2021 ² 2020 in % (restated)¹ (restated) ² 2021 ³ finally the purchase of Electricity Attribute Certificates (EACs). Direct energy: from Energy intensity Our stringent procurement strategy helps add more renewable primary sources (GJ) (GJ per tonne of product) 6.98 6.57 6.52 electricity to the grid. In 2021, we purchased electricity that Natural Gas 2,121,738 2,166,714 2% 1. Assured 2015 full-year figures. accounted for 32% of the total energy used across the Company Town Gas 172 257 49% These values are excluding the acquisitions done of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. but which equated to 15% of our total CO₂ emissions. LP Gas 10,119 10,827 7% 2. A ssured 12-month rolling figures (Q4 2019 to Q3 2020) for values excluding the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. These latter figures have not Light fuel oil 34,381 40,592 18% been assured by the third-party auditor. Heavy fuel oil 91,367 93,664 3% See the "Restatements of information" section for restatements. We are proud to be a member of RE100, a collaborative, global 3. A ssured 12-month rolling figures (Q4 2020 to Q3 2021) for values including initiative organised by the Climate Group in partnership with Biofuel 217 397 83% the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. CDP. It unites more than 300 influential businesses committed Biogas 0 76 to 100% renewable electricity and is part of our strategy to fully Biomass 23,776 22,626 (5%) convert our electricity supply. Steam sold from steam produced on site 25,294 30,735 22% Scope 1 and 2 emissions progress 2021 Replacing our fossil-based energy with renewable fuels like Geothermal 6,294 8,107 29% We made good progress towards our targets in 2021 with biofuels is also part of the strategy to reduce emissions, Waste used as energy 181,324 199,330 10% absolute total direct (scope 1) and indirect (scope 2) GHG particularly those related to the production of heat. Total direct energy 2,444,093 2,511,855 3% emissions decreasing by 75,600 tonnes. The evolution of Indirect energy: purchased absolute total scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in 2021 vs. the 2015 electricity and steam (GJ) Energy – Progress 2021 Electricity purchased 1,231,837 1,217,506 (1%) baseline was –31%. Though we do not have a formal target in terms of energy Electricity purchased intensity – the quantity of energy required per tonne of product covered by Energy Attribute Our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity (GHG emissions/ – we have recorded a decrease of 0,7% for 2021 vs. 2020. Certificates – 1,026,918 tonne of product) decreased by 11% in 2021 vs 2020. Electricity sold 4,499 7,487 66% We have also made considerable progress in terms of Electricity self-produced Climate action leadership recognised by CDP renewable electricity supply (scope 2 GHG emissions) and are from renewable sources 5,135 8,528 66% Demonstrating our industry leadership in climate action and the on track to meet our target of converting our entire electricity Electricity self-produced transition to a low-carbon economy, we once again participated supply to fully renewable sources by 2025. We attained 84% from non-renewable sources 44,236 60,343 36% in the annual Climate Change CDP questionnaire for investors as renewable electricity supply in 2021 and 45 production sites Steam purchased 75,053 80,838 8% well as in the Climate Change Supply Chain questionnaire at the were powered 100% by electricity from renewable sources by Total indirect energy 1,307,527 1,299,385 (1%) request of a number of customers. This allows us to showcase our the end of the reporting year. Total energy 3,751,620 3,811,240 2% efforts to reduce GHG emissions and also provides a basis of 1. Assured 12-month rolling figures (Q4 2019 to Q3 2020) for values excluding comparison against other companies. Our CDP score was this the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. These latter figures have been We also reduced the GHG emission load per purchased KWh included in the reported values, but have not been assured by the third-party year an A (on a scale of A to D, with A being the highest) for of electricity by 45% for 2021 vs. 2020. auditor. See the "Restatements of information" section for restatements. Climate, at the leadership level once again. 2. Assured 12-month rolling figures (Q4 2020 to Q3 2021) for values including the acquisitions of Naturex, Vika and drom sites. 54 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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