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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Climate change keep travel to a minimum. We are continuing to invest in these remained stable compared to the previous year. This good The subject of packaging must be seen in the broader context of our own operations and our active participation in the capabilities, with our travel management team working on performance is the result of a global change in portfolio content, WBCSD plastics stream supports both our efforts to reduce the better tools to manage and reduce business travel emissions, with fewer carbon-intensive substances such as dairy products, overall impact of plastics and the environmental impacts of and it is an essential part of the GBS & IM&T 2025 strategy. and a decoupling of business growth and carbon emissions in packaging. We have several local initiatives to valorise that category. This number has to be considered with caution as packaging after it has been cleaned and this has a direct impact We also foster ideas and propose new commuting solutions the modelling is very sensitive to changes and potential on reducing our footprint and creating additional circular flow. directly to employees via our Green Team network. This tool developments in the field of carbon accounting and modelling. raises awareness and drives new ideas and solutions for local We nonetheless continue engaging internal stakeholders in the The optimisation of transportation is a complex topic for entities. Over the last few years we have been finding ways to scope 3 journey, aligning internal governance and building companies. We investigate current opportunities in alternative encourage everyone to reduce the GHG emissions of their scenarios for quantifying benefits. Raw materials are a prioritised fuels and optimised engines that can result in the reduction of daily commutes. We continue, for instance, to promote a category for carbon emission reduction as they represent about emissions and try to evaluate the impact of these initiatives. bike-to-work initiative at our Swiss sites, facilitating a carpool 78% of our scope 3 emissions. We will also work on optimising the network and switching the service internally and introducing charging stations at some maximum possible freight from high- (i.e., air) to low-emission of our sites to support the transition to electric vehicles. For example, RSPO certification from our palm oil sourcing (i.e., sea) modes of transport. This will also require a change in ensures that the sustainability claim at the end of the supply our operation processes and the way we manage customer Scope 3 progress in 2021 chain is credible. It also includes a beneficial impact on carbon demands to always keep customers highly satisfied. In 2021, we saw a slowdown in our scope 3 GHG emissions with emissions because RSPO-certified Palm Oil Production has a a decrease of 4% against the 2015 baseline figure. A detailed reduced carbon intensity of approximately 36% in kgCO₂e per We are working with suppliers to find collaborative measures explanation on progress per category is given below. For the kg of palm oil. As Givaudan covers part of its supply chain with or programmes to reduce our common emissions. One calculation methodologies please see page 84. certified palm oil, it also impacts our scope 3 inventory. In 2020, example of such a proposal is combining several orders into we were able to reduce the average CO₂e emission per kg of full container loads to reduce transport emissions. Cascading Compared to last year’s report, we have integrated some palm oil and palm oil derivatives by 5% compared to 2015 and commitments in the supply chains of suppliers is also a key recent acquisitions that have an important impact on the our efforts continued throughout 2021. element to driving action. overall performance of the company and have therefore modified our emissions profile. We also have to consider the For packaging, despite business growth, the estimated 2021 Finally, these two topics combine perfectly when packaging is impact of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the analysis: as footprint is 92,000 tCO₂e, with a decrease of 0.1% compared optimised to reduce transport needs. Working on compacting an example, some 17,000 tCO₂e of the reduction are related to with the 2020 footprint. This stabilisation reflects both a more products and making sure that trucks are as full as possible is a decrease in business travel and employee commuting, efficient use of packaging and the reuse of some packaging how logistics efforts can drive reduction in our emissions. despite the growth of the company. While in this instance the items that then do not need to be purchased. It is also linked to a effects of the pandemic helped reduce emissions, in some reduction in certain product volumes in some factories: this Optimising business travel and employee other cases, such as distribution and logistics, it rather enabled us to reduce the amount of packaging, which offsets commuting contributed to an increase in emissions. Givaudan business growth and the related increased demand for The pandemic has drastically reduced the amount of business packaging. We are assessing ways of reducing our footprint, for travel and office-based employee commuting. Having the right Purchased goods and services example, by reducing the weight of our packaging and using technology and digital collaboration tools in place has meant For the raw materials category, the 2021 figure decreased by alternative packaging with more sustainable and renewable that we have been able to maintain business productivity and 0.8% in absolute terms compared with our 2015 baseline and materials content. 58 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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