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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Local community development economic or social benefits such as improving access to This year, we introduced our new sustainable sourcing Material topic definition education or mental or physical health for the local communities approach, Sourcing4Good. Created in partnership with expert Local community development as well as sustainable success for Givaudan. multidisciplinary teams, Sourcing4Good encompasses all 16,000 Recognising and supporting the broader development of our active suppliers and applies to all materials, both natural goals of local communities where Givaudan operates and Boundary and synthetic as well as indirect materials and services. The sources from. We especially strive to improve the quality • Givaudan progress and success of the programme will be measured in of life in vulnerable communities. • Local communities terms of four goals, two of which are particularly relevant to local community development: we aim to improve working Purpose pillars Disclosure 103 – 2, 103 – 3, 413 – 1 conditions in factories, farms and at the collector level and will CREATIONS NATURE PEOPLE COMMUNITIES MANAGEMENT APPROACH strive to improve the lives of the communities where we source. Responding to the needs within communities and using our More information on our programme and relevant policies can business expertise as a force for good allows us to improve lives be found in the chapter on Responsible Sourcing & Traceability. Disclosure 103 – 1 through projects that support everything from health and EXPLANATION OF THE MATERIAL education to enhancing environmental and agricultural We believe too that each and every employee has the potential TOPIC AND ITS BOUNDARY practices. This, in turn, aids us in realising our ambition to to make a change for the wellbeing of the communities in The communities and neighbourhoods in which we operate improve the lives of millions of people in the communities which we work and live. This opportunity is available through and source our materials are critical to our long-term success. where we source and operate by sourcing all materials and our Green Teams, which are active at the majority of our sites. Our business can affect these communities, and local services – naturals, synthetics and indirect materials and Members of these teams are involved in voluntary sustainability stakeholders can in turn have an impact on our activities. services (IM&S) – in a way that protects people and the projects in local communities as well as in internal programmes. Recognising and supporting the broader development goals of environment by 2030. This is one of the focus areas of our The projects empower and encourage groups of employees to these local communities is essential to acknowledging their company purpose and central to our strategy. identify local opportunities to support our sustainability and important contributions and we are committed to supporting purpose ambitions. They also raise awareness of existing them to build stable lives. Overall, we actively develop and sustain relationships with sustainable operations across Givaudan and deliver results. communities and listen to their representatives and understand The close working relationships we establish with the very their needs, allowing us to take their points of view into This year, achievements included our GBS site in Buenos Aires people who grow, collect and distil our raw materials are key to account and integrate their feedback into our activities. We winning the bronze certification “Certified Conscious Office our continued success in securing the long-term supply of the have also supported local producer communities for more than space” from Eco House, a non-profit organisation specialising ingredients we rely on for our flavours and fragrances. a decade through a variety of social and environmental in education, politics, economics and volunteering for Maintaining a good reputation in communities where we have projects. Our field teams, for instance, travel to remote sustainability. The designation came after two years of a manufacturing or commercial presence is also essential as it sourcing regions all over the world, cultivating relationships preparation, implementation of actions, training sessions and helps attract the right talent and personnel to the Company. with producers. This enables us to build trust and work awareness-raising amongst all employees. It included the together to ensure the long-term future of raw materials. Our introduction of an onsite waste separation and treatment Overall, good relations allow us to work together on projects work also contributes to more stable incomes to help improve system as well as updated signage indicating sustainable and causes that benefit the community, help to protect local the lives of these communities. behaviour and additional measures. At our Smithfield, Australia ecosystems and support livelihoods. This translates into site, employees worked with customer and supplier partners in the fight against COVID-19 to promptly supply sanitisers to 113 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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