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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Waste management & circular principles and operations with eco-friendly alternatives before 2030. Optimising our approach to packaging in respect to ecological opportunities that result from technical innovation and/or For Givaudan it means concretely moving towards 100% and economic criteria also helps us reduce our impact. For availability of recycling options are to be evaluated on a regular plastic circularity. example, in India we have turned to local sources for glass basis as a part of the environmental programme of each site. We sampling bottles instead of continuing to import them from are also tackling single-use plastics across our sites and More generally, we approach waste management in the Europe. This has helped us reduce costs, lead times as well as operations with an ambition to replace them with eco-friendly following ways: our carbon footprint as the bottles are no longer being alternatives before 2030. imported. At our Vernier, Switzerland site we have replaced Procurement some metallic drums, generally used once, with cardboard Upcycling In procurement, we give preference to options that avoid boxes for uses including shipping. This new packaging is six We look to minimise waste by using recycled materials and hazardous waste, result in reduced quantities of waste or in times less expensive than the drum and much lighter, reducing incorporating elements of the circular economy, reusing the increased recycling. We prefer to use raw materials of higher our carbon footprint even more. We should be able to use by-products of our processes to create additional products quality or with less impurity when this leads to reduced these cartons with about 70% of the annual volume. The other when we can. Upcycling, or creative reuse, guides us in amounts of unwanted by-products. We favour reusable 30% is made up of products that can only be shipped by drums. packaging and transport systems. If reusable packaging is not More generally, reusability and recyclability are other important feasible, we prefer to select packaging materials that are factors to consider when looking to minimise waste in new recyclable and for which a recycling option exists. We give product and transport packaging concepts. EAST HANOVER, USA preference to equipment with an extended lifetime, that is, Upcycling discarded which offers features such as robust construction, Production and operations upgradeability, repair friendliness, and with a reduced need for In terms of production and operations, we develop and solvents auxiliary material such as filters and oils. Please see the chapter guarantee a safe and environmentally sound waste on Responsible Sourcing & Traceability for more information. management approach before new processes and activities Our site at East Hanover, USA produces are started. This is managed through each site’s obligatory both liquids and naturals and our aim was Products and processes and packaging waste management system, which is uniformly applied to reduce both waste and greenhouse gas In the research and development of products and processes, we throughout the site or organisational unit. The system must emissions. For liquids, the team created a prioritise solutions that avoid waste, result in reduced waste ensure that there is an unbroken chain of responsibility and process that recovers and reuses oils from quantities or in increased recycling. We seek an increase of yield or documentation for all waste from generation to final disposal washed extracts so that the discarded in material productivity, a reduction of material input/consumption, (cradle to grave) and that we comply with applicable national citrus oils can be reused for future in-process recycling and possibilities for the segregation of and local legislation on waste. Various relevant responsibilities products. In naturals, the team identified hazardous components from waste streams. We give preference to are covered, respectively, by the site manager, the waste how solvents such as alcohol and ethyl raw materials with a reduced environmental footprint, for example producer, the site EHS manager, the Product and Process acetate can be recovered and reused. These those that are less hazardous or that have a lower environmental Development function, the Corporate and Site Procurement modifications resulted in 190,000 kgs of impact in their production, and to those that come from renewable function and Divisional Management. upcycled solvent/oil in a 12-month period, sources. Finally, we take into consideration the different possible saving $30,000 on waste disposal fees and direct and indirect pathways of the products (including disposal of Production planning must consider all options of preparation for $616,000 on raw materials. This also saved unused products) into various waste streams at the end of their reuse and recycling (e.g., of solvents) to increase material us 108 metric tons of carbon dioxide. lives already during product development. productivity and to minimise waste streams. Waste optimisation 64 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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