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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Environmental performance indicators Downstream transportation and distribution the category are calculated by multiplying the distance per We monitor the environmental impact of transportation (by air, dedicated mode of transport emission factors (according to ship and road) by calculating the associated GHG emissions. We Defra’s GHG conversion factor). The total emissions are then do this through a model that tracks all transport movements extrapolated for all employees including the recent acquisitions through our SAP system (by mode of transport), from delivery to integrated in the report. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic receipt locations of intercompany deliveries and deliveries to situation, we included parameters allowing us to collect customers. To calculate the GHG footprint, we use emission information on commuting restrictions so we can compare factors per mode of transport according to the Cefic guideline. regular performance and include the impact of the pandemic in this category. The next survey is planned for 2024. We have integrated recent acquisitions for which we did not have data in SAP by using production tonnage proxy to extrapolate their impacts. Waste generated in operations Emission factors on a per tonne waste basis (as extracted from scope 3 guidance documents from WBCSD + WRI) have been multiplied with the total weight of waste generated at our manufacturing locations. The scope of the calculation covers waste to landfill and to incineration. Business travel Data on distance travelled are collected through our global and local travel agencies. To calculate the GHG footprint, emission factors per haul and class are used according to the 2021 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra, UK) definition. We use the Emission factor including the RF effect. Employee commuting The reported 2021 figure is based on our new employee commuting survey/questionnaire, which was conducted for the fourth time. This year we also adapted our model so it includes the Defra emission factors for 2015, 2020 and 2021 for the respective survey. We collected information from about 7000 employees on commuting habits by including mode of transport and distance covered. The GHG emissions related to 84 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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