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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Key partnerships F&B RSPO certification: Nine Fragrance & Beauty sites were Why we engage B Movement Builders successfully audited and received certification in 2021: Jigani ACI members are committed to innovating and marketing What it is (India), Mt. Olive and Towaco (USA), São Paulo (Brazil), cleaning products and oleochemicals that are effective, B Movement Builders is a programme for multinational, public Malvinas (Argentina), Singapore (Singapore), Cimanggis sustainable, and safe for human health and the environment. companies to come together to lead systems change alongside (Indonesia), Changzhou and ZhangJiang (China). In 2021 China Our engagement with ACI addresses the material topics of and in support of the B Corp community, building a new (Guangzhou) is in process of the certification. climate change and product quality and safety. narrative about the purpose of business. Traceability (T&W & F&B): We also aim to increase How we engage Why we engage transparency of our palm oil supply up to mill level, encourage Givaudan has been an ACI member since 2012 and is a We are committed to helping drive a global movement of positive change in our supply chains and support the inclusion recognised member of the ACI sustainability programme in business as a force for good, accelerating change to our global of smallholders in the supply chain. North America. economic system and giving business a new role in society. Overall, we aim to reach supply chain transparency to mill level How we engage with our top suppliers, equivalent to 80% of our palm products Givaudan became a founding member of B Lab’s B Movement purchased by volume, by 2025. Earthworm Foundation Builders in 2020, joining forces with other purpose-led What it is companies. Maintaining B Lab’s commitment to strict criteria In 2021, we continued to work with our suppliers on our The Earthworm Foundation is a global non-profit organisation and transparency, Givaudan and other B Movement Builders traceability progress and achieved a level of 73% of palm focused on transforming supply chains for the benefit of nature commit to taking action in three key areas – leadership, impact volume traceable to the mill level. and people. and collaboration. Why we engage READ MORE The Earthworm Foundation supports Givaudan in implementing ▸ Media ▸ Media releases ▸ 2020 ▸ Givaudan becomes American Cleaning Institute its Responsible Sourcing Programme through supply chain founding member of B Lab’s B Movement Builders What it is assessments and, where needed, co-designing innovative The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is an association that solutions like landscape projects with supply chain partners to aims to support the sustainability of the cleaning product and create value for all. This engagement addresses the material oleochemical industries. It is committed to driving issues of product environmental and societal impact; raw Together for Sustainability (TfS) improvements in sustainability across the industry and material availability; responsible sourcing and traceability. What it is throughout the supply chain. An industry platform focused on CSR/Sustainability/RS topics How we engage using both EcoVadis assessments and third-party audits in the Givaudan became a member of the Earthworm Foundation members’ supply chain. The purpose is to build capability in the (formerly The Forest Trust) in 2017. chemical supply chain and to share pre-competitive RS data among the members. 23 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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