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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Biodiversity Material topic definition We believe that our activities can have the greatest impact on natural resources, in particular Givaudan’s Principles of Biodiversity biodiversity in terms of SDG 15, “Life on Land,” SDG 2 “Zero Conduct, Givaudan’s EHS Policy on Safety and Environmental Hunger” and SDG 17, “Partnerships for the Goals.” Our efforts in Protection and Responsible Sourcing. Contributing to the conservation of biodiversity and the biodiversity help protect, restore and promote sustainable use preservation of a rich diversity of natural ingredients (for of terrestrial ecosystems and promote food security and Biodiversity has therefore been integrated into the company’s example, through reforestation programmes) as well as a sustainable agriculture. Our partnerships serve to strengthen global approach, is supported by management through the balanced ecosystem in and around related growing and the means of implementation. purpose, and is gradually being deployed throughout the harvesting communities. organisation. Generally, our approach to biodiversity in our Boundary day-to-day work can be summed up in the steps of avoiding Purpose pillars • Givaudan negative impacts, or reducing them when this is not possible, CREATIONS NATURE PEOPLE COMMUNITIES • Raw material suppliers regenerating the environment, and inspiring the different stakeholders we work with. We take the global life cycle of our Disclosure 103 – 2, 103 – 3 products into account, from sourcing our raw materials Disclosure 103 – 1 MANAGEMENT APPROACH responsibly and sustainably, to treating our waste and water EXPLANATION OF THE MATERIAL TOPIC Givaudan is a purpose-driven company and our approach to the and managing our consumption and emissions. AND ITS BOUNDARY topic of biodiversity is embedded in these guiding principles. Biodiversity is essential for the survival of all species and it is Nature is an integral part of our purpose, expressed in the Internally, Environmental sustainability teams, EHS and Green the natural heritage we leave as a legacy for future generations. statement “Imagining together that we show our love for nature Teams carry out projects that support climate action, water Experts highlight an unprecedented rate of biodiversity loss, in everything we do.” Moreover, Givaudan has set an ambition to stewardship and waste management all over the world. noting that a million species of plants and animals are now become a certified B Corporation (B Corp), a designation close to extinction. We are fully aware of this urgency, the reflecting the highest standards of environmental performance. Externally, we work with our supply chain through Responsible direct consequences for humanity and, consequently, our Sourcing and Procurement actions as well as through the industry. We are actively working to reduce our impact or even Givaudan supports the terms of the Convention of Biological Regulatory Affairs & Product Safety Department. We continually nullify it by assessing and monitoring each step of our activity Diversity: the conservation of biological diversity; the assess the potential impact of biodiversity laws worldwide, throughout the life cycle of our products. sustainable use of the components of biological diversity, and including access- and benefit-sharing legal frameworks inspired the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the by the Nagoya protocol principles. We have implemented key Givaudan could not exist without a steady supply of more than utilisation of genetic resources. The Nagoya Protocol programmes to manage the assessment of our procured, 11,000 ingredients from across the globe, natural resources implements Article 15 of the convention, which covers access to manufactured and research & development raw materials used in the creation of our Taste & Wellbeing and Fragrance & genetic resources – and associated traditional knowledge – activities to ensure we comply with regulations on conservation, Beauty products. Our activities depend on biodiversity, as do and the sharing of monetary and nonmonetary benefits linked sustainable use and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising the many communities we work with and look to support. A to their use. We are identifying the potential implications of the from the use of genetic resources. We also discuss aspects of combination of protection, sustainable management and, Nagoya Protocol and its access and benefit sharing (ABS) sustainability, including biodiversity, with our customers and where necessary, restoration is then needed to ensure the framework on our activities in order to comply with all our surround ourselves with experts particularly well versed in specific future of a diverse, living planet. obligations. Givaudan has developed comprehensive policies issues. Participating in industry platforms and think tanks allows that recognise the need to protect the environment and its us to act together on certain aspects related to biodiversity. 75 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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