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A year in review Economic / Governance Environment Social Appendix Water stewardship Operations water risk management We continue to work to ensure that the wastewater from our In addition to updated water risk assessments for sites located operations is disposed of responsibly and to monitor its HUMA in water stress areas and the review of wastewater discharge quality, especially through Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Water management compliance to regulatory and industry standards, we manage analysis, an indicator of water quality or pollution. The total improvement water risk in our operations through periodic corporate risk quantity of COD discharged was measured at 245 tonnes in assessments. They allow us to identify relevant exposures and 2021, a 14% decrease over 2020. In Hungary, we first used statistical data perform analyses at the watershed level. Assessments include analysis and a detailed study of the all Givaudan production facilities and consider indicators In 2021, Givaudan’s overall water intensity (municipal and on-site water network to identify where covering aspects related to physical scarcity, quality, reputation, ground water/tonne of product) remained flat against 2020. water use was highest. The local team regulation and flooding risk. We use internal knowledge as well Focusing on the key sites located in water-stressed areas, then implemented specific projects to as criteria linked to production volume and risks in terms of there was important improvement with a decrease of 4% optimise existing technologies in the water withdrawal to prioritise the facilities. since 2020 for the same indicator. washing process and reduce water consumption, allowing us to improve the In our sites facing water stress, we drive continuous cleaning process of equipment on site, all improvement in water use through a number of measures. Water efficiency ¹ while using less water. By the end of the This includes applying the 3R, or reduce, reuse and recycle In m³ per tonne of production third quarter of 2021, this water approach; assessing opportunities and implementing projects . . consumption translated to an estimated to reduce our water withdrawal; applying water circularity 6.2 m³/ton, a further 6.6% reduction in principles in and around our production sites as well as specific water volume compared to the implementing new technologies to reuse and recycle water in 6.6 m³/ton in 2020. our operations. Our actions and progress Some practical approaches to improving site water use have 2020 2021 included switching processes that currently use municipal 1. Includes third-party water (municipal supplies / purchased water) and water to our existing cooling tower loop, meaning we were groundwater. able to reduce the amount of municipal water required for cooling. Another is the installation of automatic valves to manage water needed for purging product dust from In 2021, CDP again recognised our leadership in water security by recirculating scrubber water. There are many water-saving giving Givaudan the highest ‘A’ score for the third year in a row. initiatives ongoing at Givaudan sites worldwide, from on-site This recognition follows a leadership score for climate action and biological treatment of wastewater and subsequent reuse in places the Company in the double ‘A’ category of best performing the Netherlands to rainwater harvesting in India. businesses in terms of mitigating environmental impact. 72 Givaudan — 2021 GRI Sustainability Report

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