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8. Own Shares The movements in own shares are as follows: 2021 Number Price in Swiss francs Tot al in millions of Swiss francs High Average Low Balance as at 1 January 16,570 35 Purchases at cost 24,100 3,623.4 2 , 8 5 7. 8 2,503.0 69 Sales and transfers at cost (28,014) 2 , 7 0 7. 8 2,501.9 2,501.8 (70) Balance as at 31 December 12,656 34 2020 Number Price in Swiss francs Tot al in millions of Swiss francs High Average Low Balance as at 1 January 15,541 31 Purchases at cost 25,000 2,595.0 2,250.0 1,799.0 56 Sales and transfers at cost (23,971) 3,634.8 2,170.2 2,141.6 (52) Balance as at 31 December 16,570 35 As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, there were no other companies controlled by Givaudan SA that held Givaudan SA shares. As at 31 December 2021, William H. Gates III and Melinda French Gates (13.86%), BlackRock Inc. (5.06%) and MFS Investment Management (4.99%), were the only shareholders holding more than 3% of total voting rights. 9. Board of Directors and Executive Committee Compensation Information required by Swiss law, as per art. 663b bis CO, on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee compensation are disclosed in the Givaudan consolidated financial statements, Note 31. Notes to the statutory financial statements 112 Givaudan — 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial Report Governance Report Compensation Report Consolidated Financial Report Statutory Financial Report Appendix

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