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25. Provisions 2021 in millions of Swiss francs Restructuring Claims and litigation Environmental Others Tot al Balance as at 1 January 20 11 21 42 94 Acquisitions Additional provisions 19 8 – 5 32 Unused amounts reversed (6) (1) (1) (6) (14) Utilised during the year (9) (4) – (4) (17) Currency translation effects – – – 1 1 Balance as at 31 December 24 14 20 38 96 Current liabilities 7 3 – 3 13 Non-current liabilities 17 11 20 35 83 Balance as at 31 December 24 14 20 38 96 2020 in millions of Swiss francs Restructuring Claims and litigation Environmental Others Tot al Balance as at 1 January 14 10 27 36 87 Acquisitions 7 7 Additional provisions 16 2 3 6 27 Unused amounts reversed (2) – (3) (2) (7) Utilised during the year (8) (1) (4) (3) (16) Currency translation effects – – (2) (2) (4) Balance as at 31 December 20 11 21 42 94 Current liabilities 13 3 1 6 23 Non-current liabilities 7 8 20 36 71 Balance as at 31 December 20 11 21 42 94 Significant judgment is required in determining the various provisions. A range of possible outcomes is determined to make reliable estimates of the obligation that is sufficient for the recognition of a provision. Differences between the final obligations and the amounts that were initially recognised impact the income statement in the period in which such determination is made. Restructuring provisions Restructuring provisions arise from reorganisations of the Group’s operations and management structure primarily related to integration of acquired businesses and from reorganisations in both divisions. Claims and litigation These provisions are made in respect of legal claims brought against the Group and potential litigations. Related estimated legal fees are also included in these provisions. Environmental Givaudan’s affiliate, Givaudan Fragrances Corporation, is one of approximately 100 companies identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency (‘EPA’) as ‘Potentially Responsible Parties’ (‘PRP’) for alleged contamination of the Lower Passaic River. The EPA released a Focused Feasibility Study (‘FFS’) covering only the lower 8 miles of the River in 2014. In March 2016, the EPA issued its Record of Decision (‘ROD’) to confirm the remediation solution related to the FFS. The chosen solution entails a bank-to-bank dredge of the lower 8 miles of the River (‘Operable Unit 2’), and the installation of an engineered cap, with an estimated cost of CHF 1.3 billion. One PRP agreed in 2016 to conduct the detailed remediation design for Operable Unit 2, which is underway and expected to be completed in late 2022 or early 2023. The EPA also selected an allocator to work with the PRP’s on an allocation of the remediation costs for Operable Unit 2, the first phase of which was concluded at the end of 2020. The EPA anticipates the implementation of the 2016 ROD remediation for Operable Unit 2 will take at least 6 years and may begin in 2023 or thereafter. The Cooperating Parties Group (‘CPG’), of which Givaudan was formerly a member, completed its Remedial Investigation (‘RI’) in 2019 and submitted its final Feasibility Study (‘FS’) in September 2020, which proposed an Interim Remedial Measure (‘IRM’) for certain areas of sediment in the upper 9 miles of the Lower Passaic River (Operable Unit 4). EPA issued a Proposed Plan for the upper river Interim Remedy in April 2021, and issued the ROD in September 2021 with an estimated cost of USD 441 million for hot-spot dredging and capping of contaminated sediments in the upper river. The Interim Remedy for Operable Unit 4 requires a remedial design prior to implementation of the sediment cleanup under the ROD. EPA estimates that the RD work under the 2021 ROD will begin in either 2022 or 2023. EPA anticipates that the 2016 ROD and 2021 ROD remedies will be implemented concurrently and will utilize the same infrastructure and treatment facility to address dredged sediments from the river. Governance Report Compensation Report Consolidated Financial Report Statutory Financial Report Appendix 88 Givaudan — 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial Report Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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