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The amounts recognised in the statement of financial position are as follows: in millions of Swiss francs 2021 2020 Pension Plans Non- pension Plans Tot al Pension Plans Non- pension Plans Tot al Funded obligations Present value of funded obligations (2,181) (60) (2,241) (2,301) (63) (2,364) Fair value of plan assets 2,021 2,021 1,917 1,917 Recognised asset (liability) for funded obligations, net (160) (60) (220) (384) (63) (447) Unfunded obligations Present value of unfunded obligations (83) (4) (87) (80) (3) (83) Recognised asset (liability) for unfunded obligations (83) (4) (87) (80) (3) (83) Total defined benefit asset (liability) (243) (64) (307) (464) (66) (530) Deficit recognised as liabilities for post-employment benefits (312) (64) (376) (484) (66) (550) Surplus recognised as assets for post-employment benefits 69 69 20 20 Total net asset (liability) recognised (243) (64) (307) (464) (66) (530) Amounts recognised in the statement of financial position for post-employment defined benefit plans are predominantly non-current. The non-current portion is reported as non- current assets and non-current liabilities. The current portion is reported as current liabilities within other current liabilities. Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligations are as follows: in millions of Swiss francs 2021 2020 Pension Plans Non- pension Plans Tot al Pension Plans Non- pension Plans Tot al Balance as at 1 January 2,381 66 2,447 2,290 69 2,359 Amounts recognised in the income statement Current service cost 44 1 45 45 1 46 Interest cost 19 2 21 25 2 27 Amounts recognised in the other comprehensive income (Gains) losses from change in demographic assumptions (44) (44) (11) (11) (Gains) losses from change in financial assumptions (97) (3) (100) 128 5 133 Experience (gains) losses 30 30 23 (2) 21 Employee contributions 17 17 14 14 Benefit payments (85) (4) (89) (77) (3) (80) Settlements (9) (9) Acquisitions 3 3 Currency translation effects (1) 2 1 (50) (6) (56) Balance as at 31 December 2,264 64 2,328 2,381 66 2,447 Governance Report Compensation Report Consolidated Financial Report Statutory Financial Report Appendix 73 Givaudan — 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial Report Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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