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Other compensation, fees and loans to members or former members of the Executive Committee No other compensation or fees were accrued for or paid to any member or former member of the Executive Committee during the reporting period. No member or former member of the Executive Committee or related parties had any loan outstanding as of 31 December 2021. Special compensation of Executive Committee members who left the company during the reporting period Members of the Executive Committee that stepped down during 2021 did not receive any special compensation as a result of their departure from the Company. Ownership of shares and unvested share rights Details on the Givaudan share based payment plans are described in Note 9. As per 31 December 2021, the Chairman and other Board members including persons closely connected to them held 6,183 Givaudan shares in total. For further details, please refer to the following table showing: – The shares held individually by each Board member as per 31 December 2021. – The RSUs that were granted in 2019 – 2021 and were still owned by members of the Board as per 31 December 2021. 2021 in numbers Shares Blocked RSUs Calvin Grieder, Chairman 947 629 Victor Balli 248 157 Prof. Dr-Ing. Werner Bauer 1,428 157 Lilian Biner 735 157 Michael Carlos 1,260 157 Ingrid Deltenre 365 157 Olivier Filliol 1,200 94 Sophie Gasperment 72 Total 2021 6,183 1,580 Total 2020 6,501 1,962 The company is not aware of any other ownership of shares, share options/option rights, RSUs or performance shares as per 31 December 2021 by persons closely connected to members of the Board. As per 31 December 2021, the Chief Executive Officer and other members of the Executive Committee, including persons closely connected to them, held 8,053 Givaudan shares in total. For further details, please refer to the below table showing: – The shares held individually by each member of the Executive Committee as per 31 December 2021. – The unvested performance shares that were granted in 2019–2021 and were still owned by members of the Executive Committee as per 31 December 2021. 2021 in numbers Shares Unvested Performance Shares Gilles Andrier, CEO 4,600 2,715 Tom Hallam 278 1,141 Louie D'Amico 525 1,270 Maurizio Volpi 801 1,357 Simon Halle-Smith 706 815 Willem Mutsaerts 434 815 A nn e Tay ac 525 815 Total 2021 7, 8 6 9 8,928 Total 2020 6,312 10,937 No member of the Executive Committee held any share options or option rights as at 31 December 2021 (2020: none). One person closely connected to a member of the Executive Committee owned 184 unvested Performance Shares as at 31 December 2021. The company is not aware of any other ownership of shares, share options/option rights, RSUs or performance shares as per 31 December 2021 by persons closely connected to members of the Executive Committee. Governance Report Compensation Report Consolidated Financial Report Statutory Financial Report Appendix 94 Givaudan — 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial Report Notes to the consolidated financial statements

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