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– the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer are present and report at all regular Board meetings and answer all requests for information by the Board members about any matter concerning Givaudan that is transacted. Other members of the Executive Committee and selected senior managers are regularly invited to address specific projects at regular Board meetings. All members of the Executive Committee have a duty to provide information at meetings of the Board of Directors on request – the Head of Internal Audit and the Corporate Ethics & Compliance Officer report to the Board once a year. The Board also receives annual reports on Environment, Health and Safety, Sustainability and Risk Management – the Head of Internal Audit and the Corporate Ethics & Compliance Officer are present and report at each meeting of the Audit Committee. The Chief Financial Officer is also present at all meetings of the Audit Committee, as are the external auditors – the Head of Global Human Resources, the Head of Compensation & Benefits and the Chief Executive Officer are present at each Compensation Committee meeting, except when questions of compensation for Executive Committee members are being deliberated. The Chairman also attends the meetings of the Compensation Committee regularly – all Board members have access to the full minutes of all Committee meetings – the Board of Directors receives summarised monthly reports from the Executive Committee, which include performance against key performance indicators. All Board members are immediately informed on extraordinary events. They also have direct access to the Givaudan intranet where all internal information on key events, presentations and organisational changes are posted. In addition, the Board members receive relevant information, including media releases and information to investors and financial analysts – in preparation for each Board meeting, the Board members receive information and reports from the Executive Committee and other members of senior management via a secure electronic document sharing system and other means of communication – the Board of Directors visits at least one Givaudan country operation per year, where Board members meet members of senior local management. Additionally, Board members are encouraged to visit country operations when travelling and to meet local and regional senior management to allow Board members the opportunity of getting first-hand information on local and regional developments and interacting directly with management across the globe – the Board has regular access to the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the other members of the Executive Committee. Any Board member may request from the Chief Executive Officer and other members of the Executive Committee information concerning the course of the business. Risk management Givaudan has established an internal risk management process that is based on the Givaudan Enterprise Risk Management Charter. It focuses on identifying and managing/exploiting risks. The Board of Directors defines the strategic risk management framework. This process is under the responsibility of the Executive Committee. The risk management process follows a structured assessment, review and reporting cycle that is coordinated by the Corporate Ethics & Compliance Officer to ensure a harmonised Group-wide approach. For each identified strategic top-level Company risk a member of the Executive Committee is designated as the risk owner with the responsibility to manage the risk on a Group-wide basis. Once a year the Executive Committee reports to the Board on the risk management process, the strategic risks and the mitigation actions. Individual risks are also regularly discussed in Board meetings. Corporate Internal Audit provides assurance on the effectiveness of the risk management process. READ MORE Detailed information on how we manage risks and opportunities: 2021 Integrated Annual Report ▸ pages 30–31 ▸ Managing risks Internal audit The Internal Audit function is established as an independent and objective function reporting directly to the Audit Committee. Corporate governance Governance Report Compensation Report Consolidated Financial Report Statutory Financial Report Appendix 15 Givaudan — 2021 Governance, Compensation and Financial Report

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