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ESG Microsite | Givaudan

Purpose & Performance | 51 Pages | Presentation and Scrollable Microsite

Givaudan and ESG Purpose and performance

Purpose and 2025 Strategy for a high-performing business and acting as a force for good

Givaudan’s purpose Driving sustainable performance, and acting as a force for good Creations Communities Let’s imagine together Let’s imagine together with customers that Creating for happier, that all communities through our creations benefit by working with more people will enjoy healthier lives Givaudan happier, healthier lives with love for nature. Let’s imagine together. Nature People Let’s imagine together Let’s imagine together that we show our love that Givaudan is a place for nature in Working where we all love to be everything we do to become a and grow

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Strategy 2025 Performance commitments Sales growth Free cash flow Purpose commitments 4.0 –5.0% >12% of Sales Purpose linked targets 2021 – 2025 2021 – 2025 2021 – 2025 1 2 Average Like for Like Sales Growth Average FCF as % of sales Progress towards all published purpose targets

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Purpose-linked targets Encapsulate our approach to ESG Creations Nature People Communities E S G E G S G E S G By 2030 Before 2030 Before 2025 By 2030 • We will double our business • Our operations’ carbon emissions • Everyone on our sites will • We will source all materials through creations that will be cut by 70% and our supply have access to mental and and services in a way that contribute to happier, chain emissions by 20% physical health initiatives, protects people and the healthier lives. • We will replace single-use plastics tools and training environment with eco-friendly alternatives • We will reduce our total • We will improve the lives across our sites and operations recordable injury rate of millions of people in by 50% communities where we Before 2040 • We will be rated among source and operate • Our operations’ will be climate the leading employers for positive and our supply chain inclusion globally emissions will be cut by 50% Before 2030 Before 2050 • 50% of our senior leaders will be from high growth markets • Our supply chain will be • 50% of our senior leadership will climate positive be women E Environment S Social G Governance

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Creations for happier, healthier lives of millions of people Doubling our business by 2030 We will impact millions of lives by working with our customers to develop creations for happier, healthier lives Taste & Wellbeing Fragrance & Beauty Going beyond great taste to create food Craftsmanship, creativity, and passion for experiences that do good and feel good, happier, healthier lives through fragrances for for body, mind and planet every moment • Flavour and taste solutions: • Consumer products for personal, home, fabric By 2030 authentic flavours, kitchen ingredients, taste- and oral care enhancing technologies • Fragrances and beauty products that spark > We will double our business • Natural functional ingredients: colours, happiness and delight through creations that contribute preservatives, texturants • Fragrances to improve emotional wellbeing: to happier, healthier lives • Natural nutritional ingredients: microbiome, leveraging neuro-sciences to enhance sleep, botanicals emotional benefits and wellbeing • Plant-based food: non-animal protein alternatives • Solutions to reduce undesirable ingredients (sugar, salt, fat) and add health- supporting nutrients (vitamins, minerals fibers)

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History of acting sustainably A solid track record of ESG ratings FTSE4Good Index Series Double ‘A rating’ Awarded the Rated as ‘low-risk’ in Included in Ranked in the MSCI ESG for climate and EcoVadis Gold 2021 with a score of SXI Swiss top 2% in the AAA Rating water for three medal, ranking us in 19.1 and a chemicals Sustainability 25 FTSE4Good Index since 2017 consecutive years the top 5% industry ranking 13 Index Series, among of more than 75,000 out of 480 our peers CDP Leaderboard businesses recognition for supplier 1 engagement Transparent disclosure of comprehensive, audited ESG data based on reporting standards Givaudan has applied the Givaudan has adopted GRI frameworks since 2010 Integrated reporting since 2016

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Our sustainability journey 2021 Givaudan introduces the 2020 new Sourcing4Good programme Givaudan Givaudan publishes its announces HumanRightspolicy 2019 its 2025 strategy 2017 “Committed to Givaudan joins Together New approach to shaping growth, with for Sustainability (TfS) New approach to a sustainable future Purpose” sustainability “A Sense of through the newly defined Givaudan engaged as Tomorrow” introduced purpose “Creating for advisory board members happier, healthier lives Givaudan sets the in the Renewable Commitment to GHG with love for nature” ambition to Carbon Initiative emissions target in line with become B Corp, Science Based Targets the gold standard Givaudan includes Initiative Givaudan aligns target to for good business TCFD recommendations 2015 1.5°C and signs the Givaudan commits to UN’s Business Ambition Givaudan includes 2010 Givaudan commits to contribute to the UN’s for 1.5°C, reinforcing our SASB standards mapping RE100 and to set a Sustainable Development commitment to become Support for UN Global Science Based Target Goals climate-positive before Compact pronounced 2050

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Creating a positive impact on the environment by showing our love for nature

A bold ambition and clear roadmap. Before 2050, we will become a climate positive business (scopes 1, 2 & 3)

Ambitious targets For environmental leadership Emissions Electricity Water Plastics Waste s u oc F OPERATIONS: SUPPLY CHAIN: s Our operations' Our supply chain 100% of our Improve water We will 100% of our 100% plastics Reduce waste t carbon emissions emissions (scope sites will be efficiency by continuously wastewater circularity by by 4% per tonne e (scope 1+2) will 3) will be cut by powered with 25% on sites improve water discharge will 2030 of product, g be cut by 70% 20%before renewable facing water efficiency meet or exceed year-on-year ar 3 T before 2030 and 2030 and will be electricity by stress by 2030 on all other regulatory and average will be climate climate positive 2025 sites industry 2 standards by positive before before 2050 2 2030 2040 2021 In In 1 s –31% –4% 84% –4% flat progress progress -2% tu ta S

Reducing environmental footprint Becoming a climate positive business Reducing scope 1,2 & 3 emissions

Givaudan’s carbon footprint Our value chain emissions Scope 1 Scope 2 TARGETS – Scope 3 5% 2% • Before 2050, Our supply Emissions generated Emissions generated chain will be climate positive by our operations by our energy supply Actions driving our Roadmap: Scope 3 Engage suppliers in the net- 93% zero journey Emissions generated Refine understanding of our by our supply chain ingredients footprint and drive ingredient innovation About 2,300,000 tonnes GHG emissions per year Reduce other emissions linked to our value chain

Reducing scope 1 & 2 Actions driving our roadmap and key enablers TARGETS ACTIONS DRIVING OUR ROADMAP KEY ENABLERS Before 2040 Drive continuous improvement • Site environmental targets • Our operations’ will be to reduce the energy • Site assessments climate positive (scope 1) consumption of our sites • Internal carbon price • Awareness By 2025 Power our sites with renewable • We will power 100% of our electricity operations’ sites with renewable electricity (scope 2)

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Reducing scope 3 Actions driving our roadmap and key enablers TARGETS ACTIONS DRIVING OUR ROADMAP KEY ENABLERS Before 2050 Engage suppliers in the net- • Formulation, innovation • Our supply chain will be zero journey • Supplier engagement climate positive (scope 3) • Ingredient portfolio Refine understanding of our • Transportation, less air travel ingredients footprint and drive • Packaging ingredient innovation Reduce other emissions linked to our value chain

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Using biotechnology and innovation To reduce scope 3 emissions BisaboLife™ Ambrofix® Nootkatone • The first biotech bisabolol • A sustainable, biodegradable • A sustainable ingredient ingredient • Novel fermentation process, • Creating a new biosourced and • A biodegradable ingredient produced producing Nootkatone without natural bisabolol without cutting from sustainably sourced sugar. depending on the fruit. rainforest in the Amazon. Positive environmental impacts Positive environmental impacts Positive environmental impacts • 100% natural & 100% renewable • 100% naturally derived & 100% • Lower impact on farmland carbon renewable carbon • Stable supply chain • Readily biodegradable • Readily biodegradable • Natural flavouring substance • Uses 220 times less land to produce • Uses 100 times less land to produce 1 kg versus the traditional method 1 kg versus the traditional method

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PlanetCaps First-to-market biodegradable fragrance capsules The unique PlanetCaps™ technology will enable Givaudan to collaborate with customers in rolling out bespoke biodegradable fragrance systems. A combination of high biodegradability and renewable carbon source material, delivering long-lasting fragrance experience.

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We have set a bold climate ambition Clear agenda to reduce scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions OURACTIONSTOREACH TODAY OURAMBITIONS OURACHIEVEMENTS Baseline scope 3 2,000,000 –31% Scope3 Scope 1+2¹ • Sustainableprocurement of IN 2030 IN 2040 ingredients OURAMBITIONS OURAMBITIONS • Low-carbon creations –4 % IN 2025 • Driving circularity and upcycling Scope 3¹ OURAMBITION –70% –100% • Optimising packaging, logistics Scope 3 100% Scope 1+2 Scope 1+2 and transport of goods 84% –20% • Optimising business travel Renewable – % Renewable 50 and employee commuting electricity electricty Scope 3 Scope 3 250,000 Baseline scope 1+2 Scope 2 Net GHG Our operation emissions NET-ZERO (scope 1 + 2) • Renewable energysources • Energyefficiency Scope 1 0 2009 2015 2021 2025 2030 2040 2050 Neutralisation / Baseline TODAY compensation • Carboncapture technology CO₂ Neutralisation / clean • Natural climate solutions -100,000 emissions compensation (tonnes) Enablers to reach our ambitions • Supplier engagement • Budget and financial mechanisms • Advocacy and promotion • Partnership and governance

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Protecting ecosystems Sourcing responsibly and promoting biodiversity

Our purpose commitment to responsible sourcing Sustainable value creation CHF 2.7 bn >225 >11,000 57% 43% Raw material / consumable People in global procurement Number of different Renewable Non-renewable spend per year worldwide raw materials sourced raw materials raw materials Sourcing4Good is a step change in our responsible sourcing journey Ensures trust and Builds on our heritage of compliance across our action in sourcing entire supply chain responsibly. This flagship programme is It allows us to embark on collaborative closely tied to our goal to transformational projects in selected supply source all materials and chains services in a way that protects people and the environment before 2030. Brings end-to-end raw material traceability in key supply chains

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Fully traceable supply chain Enhancing agricultural practices Contributing to Positive environmental impacts • Soil health preservation • Biodiversity conservation • Increased carbon sequestration in the soil Full traceability of Guarana seeds from the field to the final extract Improved incomes for farmers More market visibility for farmers Supported by Sustainable agricultural practices • Better fertilisation methods • Improved pruning practices to increase fruit yields • Investigating plant material improvement

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Protecting the environment Preserving the biodiversity Supporting the conservation Sustainable use of natural resources Commitment to forest conservation of diversity of species through best practices • Collaborating with the University of • Devil’s Claw sustainable wild collect • Received the Conservation California, Riverside (UCR) on Citrus programme in Namibia International’s Hero award for the Variety Collection • Securing the long term supply of this Tonka Bean programme in Venezuela • Supporting the care and preservation of major medicinal plant • Preserving the forests, the flora and the most extensive, unique and diverse • Organising wild collect of roots and fauna through the Conservation citrus collection against threat of train locals to responsible practices Stewards Program greening disease • Empowering local communities to • The collection includes 1,000 varieties of conserve 150,000 hectares of forests in citrus fruits from around the globe the Caura Basin

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Driving sustainable solutions together Commitments / Calls to action Reporting What we want to achieve How we communicate about our progress Working to become a Memberships and collaborations Assessments / Ratings With whom we partner to achieve our commitments External evaluation of our performance

Focus on social Caring for people and communities

Ambitious targets To be a safe, healthy and inclusive environment where everyone loves to be and grow Diversity and inclusion Caring for employee safety, health Communities benefit by working with and mental wellbeing Givaudan s u oc F Before 2025 Before 2025 By 2030 By 2030 Before 2025 Before 2030 s Ambition to improve t We will be rated We will reduce our total Everyone on our sites of e 50% of our senior will have access to 100% g amongst the recordable injury rate by of millions of ar leaders will be from high mental and materials and the lives T leading growth markets 50% services will be people in communities employers for physical health sourced responsibly where we source and 50% of our senior initiatives, tools operate inclusion globally leaders will be women and training 2021 In progress In progress In progress In progress s 26% -22% tu ta S

A place where people love to be & grow Becoming a leading employer for diversity and inclusion

Ambitions Diversity and inclusion A diverse, inclusive organisation to best meet our business goals. Before 2030, we will be an even more balanced and inclusive company Before 2025 > We will be rated amongst the leading employers for inclusion globally Before 2030 > 50% of our senior leaders will be from high growth markets 2021: 26% Before 2030 > 50% of our senior leaders will be women 2021: 26%

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Driving progress Building more inclusive hiring practices Our goal is to attract and find more diverse candidates • Inclusive job ads • Balanced slates for hiring and promotion • Hiring manager Training Success story > Working with a Talent Acquisition innovation tool to create inclusive job ads: • Introduced an ‘Inclusion Meter’ to gauge how inclusive our job ads are written • Edited 8000 job ads

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Driving progress Fostering inclusive leadership development Our goal is to develop leaders, today and in the future • Evolving our Leadership Development programmes • Better Balance approach • Managing unconscious bias at work Success story > The Better Balance dialogues provide an opportunity for senior leaders to connect with colleagues and enhance their understanding about our Better Balance approach. We focus on: Better Balance Dialogue sessions • Use of language • 26% of senior leaders took part in a Better Balance dialogue to date • Understanding the diversity wheel (325 out of 1,260 senior leaders). • Insights gathered are feeding into our inclusive leadership capabilities.

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A place where people love to be & grow Caring for employee’s safety, physical health and mental wellbeing

Ambitions Caring for employees Caring for employee’s safety, health Caring for and mental well-being our place Caring for Our Before 2025 our people focus > We will reduce our total recordable injury rate by 50% areas 2021: -22% Before 2025 > Everyone on our sites will have access to Strengthening mental and physical health initiatives, tools and training our foundation

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Driving progress Caring for employees’ safety Proud of our continuous safety performance Total recordable case rate – our 2025 performance ambition progress 2021 safety performance progress • 22% reduction in our total recordable injury rate since 2018. • The reduction in our recordable injury rate points to our success in embedding a positive and long-term culture of health and safety. LTIR = lost-time injuries per 200’000 hours worked (~100 employees’ annual hours) TRCR = total recordable cases (total of lost time injuries, restricted work cases, medical treatment cases) per 200’000 hours worked (~100 employees’ annual hours)

Driving progress Increasing the safety at our workplaces To reduced total recordable injuries at all sites EHS by design • Investing in our plant and technical equipment • Further developing our Responsible Care Management System • Conducting periodic assessment of risk and control on-site Expanding our Behavioural Safety Programme • Advanced safety leadership training • Comprehensive worker trainings on health and safety Success story > Impressive safety records have been set at two of our production sites in India, with no recordable case injuries at Jigani for more than nine years and none at Daman for over twelve years. Engagement of leaders and team-focused efforts addressing people, training and processes.

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Driving progress Mental and physical health LifeWorks Employee Assistance Programme Providing access to mental and physical heath initiatives, Offering support on a variety tools and training for all employees of topics such as personal well-being, mental health, By taking care of our people through all aspects of their lives, we relationships, family matters are helping them to have the physical energy, mental focus and and workplace challenges. emotional drive necessary to power our business as well as to take the same energy to their activities outside of work. Happier, Healthier Lives initiatives • Health, home working • EAP – Employee Assistance Programme • Health and wellbeing community of practice Health & Wellbeing Communities of Practice Success story A forum for sharing common People at the heart of our progress: interest and best practice in > health and wellbeing initiatives. LifeWorks Involved employees from North Health & Wellbeing Communities of Practice America, Latin America, the UK and Dubai, and topics included strategies for better sleep, the benefits of family activities, and a variety of local initiatives focusing on physical and mental health and wellbeing.

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Improving people’s lives Givaudan Foundation, Green teams and employees acting as a force for good

Ambitions Improving people’s lives All communities benefit by working with Givaudan By 2030 > We will improve the lives of millions of people in communities where we source and operate

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Driving progress Givaudan Foundation Contributing to happier, healthier lives for people in communities Givaudan Foundation mission To make a difference within the communities where Givaudan sources and operates, we focus our efforts on education, health and environment preservation. Our actions are nurtured by the know-how and volunteering of Givaudan people. Two pillars of activities Communities where Communities where Givaudan sources natural Givaudan employees work ingredients Enables and supports Foundation works to employee-driven projects that safeguard the future of these foster education or make a communities and their fragile positive impact on health environment.

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How ingredients help us protect the environment and care for communities We build Weresearch Wehelp THANKS TO infrastructure and THANKS TO preservation and THANKS TO communities provide access to resilience to preserve the VETIVER water and LAVENDER climate change in SANDAL-WOOD environment electricity in Haiti France in Australia Wepreserve Wereduce our Distillation units 150,000 hectares impact on the THANKS TO are energy-efficient; of Amazonian THANKS TO environment VANILLA and pickers receive THANKS TO Rainforest TONKA BEAN and have planted education in YLANG-YLANG in Venezuela 700,000 trees CLOVE LEAF OIL Comoros in Madagascar We are partnering We train farmers to implement the THANKS TO We build schools THANKS TO and help their THANKS TO SOURCING4GOOD BENZOIN in Laos PATCHOULI businesses grow in JASMIN FLOWER programme and Sulawesi auditing our floral ingredients supply chain in India

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Driving progress Stronger communities, sustainable business Through employee activities and our Green Teams, we organise initiatives that: • Respond to the needs within communities • Support activities ranging from health and education to enhancing environmental and agricultural practices Employees as a force for good • Green teams: cross functional groups of employees, supporting local communities and finding was of improving the social and environmental performance of their local sites. • Over 500 Givaudan Green team volunteers • initiated 25 projects initiated in 2021. • COVID-19 communities Fund enable employees to fund projects to help communities severely affected by the pandemic. • From 2020 to 2021 we were able to help almost 100,000 Expanding our reach and focus: creating an impact among the people in 137 communities around the world. vulnerable • Focus on increasing our impact on: • water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) • nutrition and food security • economic resilience in our value chain • mental health and wellbeing.

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Governance Effective and transparent

Board of Directors Calvin Prof. Dr.-Ing Lilian Grieder Werner Biner • Separation of roles in line with the Swiss Code of Best Chairman Bauer AC Practice for Corporate Governance: Chairman of the NGC, IC CC, IC Board and Chief Executive Officer • Ultimate strategic supervision and control of the management of the Company, including Enterprise Victor Michael Ingrid Risk Management approach Balli Carlos Deltenre AC, CC NGC, IC CC, NGC • 9 board members • Diverse board (nationality and gender) • Average tenure of 5.6 years • 100% independent board members Olivier Sophie Tom Filliol Gasperment Knutzen • All board members re-elected on an annual basis AC, IC AC, NGC IC rd of Directors is subject to • Compensation of Boa annual approval by shareholders NGC AC CC IC Nomination Audit Compensation Innovation & Governance Committee Committee Committee Committee

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Executive Committee Gilles Tom Hallam Andrier Chief Chief Financial • Responsible for the day-to-day management of the Executive Officer Company Officer • 7 Executive Committee members • 6 nationalities Louie Maurizio Simon D’Amico Volpi Halle-Smith President President Head of Global year average tenure Taste & Fragrance & Human • 4-6 Wellbeing Beauty Resources and EHS verage of 20 years experience in the company • A the industry • One of the longest standing CEO in Willem Anne Tayac Mutsaerts Head of he Executive Committee is Givaudan • Compensation of t Head of Global Business subject to annual shareholder approval Procurementand Solutions Sustainability

Governance Ethical and fair business practices are englobed in our Code of Conduct which all employees must sign. Good shareholder governance: - 1 share – one vote - 1 single class of share ernance of ESG aspects are fully Gov integrated into our Board and Executive committee management processes and agendas.

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Compensation principles Pay for performance and alignment of interests with shareholders Total compensation is composed of: r all employees • Base salary fo • Benefits for all e mployees (retirement, insurance and health care plans, etc) • Cash-based Profit Sharing Plan for approximately 12,000 non-management employees based on Group Financial objectives • Cash-based Annual Incentive Plan for around 5,000 managers and executives erformance Share Plan for top 500 • Equity-based P employees

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Performance Share Plan Includes non-financial purpose-related targets Continued: Newlyincluded: Financial targets PLAN Purpose-related targets FORMAT PSP with 3-year Creations 80% vesting time People 10% • 40% Relative sales Payout ranges • Gender diversity • 40% Free Cash Flow from 0 – 200% • Nationality mix 4-year measurement period • Employee safety Achievement determined via payout matrix Nature10% • Net GHG emission reductions (Scope 1, 2+3)

Committed to Growth, With Purpose.

ESG at the centre of our business Committed to Growth, with Purpose. Nature Creations We show our love for We create inspiring nature through impactful solutions for happier, E G actions healthier lives E S G People Communities We nurture a place We bring benefits to where we all love to be E S G all communities that and grow S G work with us “It is through our purpose and strategy that we address Environment, Social and Governance Excellence, Innovation & Simplicity - in everything we do (ESG) issues.” 4-5% GROWTH PURPOSE LINKED TARGETS >12% FCF Gilles Andrier, CEO Environment Social Governance

Reporting suite For further information Annual Publications 2021 Integrated Annual Report Online version AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH READ MORE GRI Content Index SASB Standards TCFD Recommendations 2021 In a Nutshell 2021 Governance, Compensation 2021 GRI Sustainability AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH, and Financial Report Report FRENCH AND GERMAN AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH

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Disclaimer No warranty and no liability While Givaudan is making great efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this presentation/hand-out and disclaim any liability for the use of it. No offer and no solicitation The information provided on this hand-out does not constitute an offer of or solicitation for the purchase or disposal, trading or any transaction in any Givaudan securities. Investors must not rely on this information for investment decisions. Forward-looking information This hand-out may contain forward-looking information. Such information is subject to a variety of significant uncertainties, including scientific, business, economic and financial factors, and therefore actual results may differ significantly from those presented.

Thank you Pierre Bénaich Head of Investor Relations

Follow us on social media @givaudan

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